After the swearing-in ceremony on October 14, Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini visited the Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati with his wife, Suman Saini, to offer prayers. Mohan Lal Badoli, the president of the Haryana BJP, accompanied the couple to the temple, where they prayed blessings for the advancement of the state. Following the prayer ritual, Chief Minister Saini’s press conference reaffirmed the government’s pledge to expedite development in Haryana. As he considered the past ten years of development under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s direction, he underlined that the state has seen equal growth for all societal segments. “In the last 10 years under the leadership of prime minister Modi, Haryana has achieved development milestones in many ways without any discrimination. We will continue the development works,” CM Saini stated.
He restated the administration’s commitment to advancing its development program even more quickly. “In the recent election we have made several promises to the people of Haryana and we will work.on it to fulfil all the promises made by our party during the election ” he continued, highlighting the administration’s commitment to raising the standard of living for the impoverished, farmers, women, and young people. “Our government will strive to meet the expectations of every citizen,” he said. In a statement, the chief minister of Haryana reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to upholding the dignity of every person, stressing that “our government will work strongly to increase the respect of everyone”. The Chief Minister declared that October 16 will be the date of a critical Legislative Party gathering. All legislature members and observers, Chief Minister Mohan Yadav and Union Home Minister Amit Shah will gather for this meeting.
Regarded as a spiritual act, the BJP leader’s visit to the Kamakhya Temple demonstrated its attempts to appeal to cultural and religious feelings while reaffirming its commitment to an all-encompassing administration.