In a major breakthrough, the Delhi Police’s Special Cell and Gujarat Police, in a joint operation, seized 518 kilograms of cocaine worth Rs 5,000 crore from a pharmaceutical company in Ankleshwar, Gujarat, on Sunday. This marks one of the largest drug busts in the region, further intensifying the nationwide crackdown on narcotics.
Sources reveal that, within the last two weeks, law enforcement agencies have recovered a total of 1,289 kilograms of cocaine and 40 kilograms of hydroponic marijuana from various operations in Delhi and Gujarat. The total value of the seizures is estimated to be Rs 13,000 crore.
The latest seizure follows a series of raids, beginning with a Special Cell operation on October 1 in Delhi’s Mahipalpur, where 562 kilograms of cocaine and 40 kilograms of hydroponic marijuana were confiscated from a warehouse. Further investigations led to an additional recovery of 208 kilograms of cocaine on October 10 from a shop in Ramesh Nagar, Delhi. The drugs were traced back to the Ankleshwar-based pharmaceutical firm involved in the recent seizure.
Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the guidance of Union Home Minister Amit Shah, the government has adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards drugs. This operation is part of the Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan (Drug-Free India Campaign), which aims to eradicate drug trafficking and consumption across the country.