Pandits and seers, philosophers, thinkers, patriotic leaders and astrologers have long predicted that the ancient country, Bharat, will return to Amrit Kaal. A period where the entire world will witness the resurgence of the Sanatan Bharat, the leading light of the entire world. The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha (ABPS) of RSS has resolved to build the nation on Bharatiya knowledge and Bharatiya philosophy by strengthening the family institution, creating a fraternity-based harmonious society and developing entrepreneurship with Swadeshi spirit. This will be a great leap forward. A persistent effort in this direction will rediscover India’s hidden potential, which is forgotten due to long years of ignorance and neglect.
The 16th-century French Astrologer Nostradamus had prophesied that the man from the East would wake up from his seat to kill the evil people en masse and save humanity. The man from the east is possibly referred to the human God, Bhagwan Jagganath of Puri; the rituals of the Bhagwan in the Mandir are akin to the day-to-day life of human being.
A similar prophecy was made by the 16th century Odia Astrologer, Sri Achyutananda Maharaj in his book ” Bhabisya Malika.” As per the prediction, “Bhagwan Jagganath will take the form of a warrior king and will ride a black stallion with his brother Balabhadara by his side on a white stallion. Bhagwan Jagganath, the Kalki Avatar as mentioned in the Malika and other scriptures, will carry a celestial sword and move with lightning speed to eliminate evil. Pandits, thinkers, patriots and good people in the country living in remote places also talk about the Kalki Avatar. India is getting ready for the Amrit Kaal, the break of dawn after a long, painful night.
India, for centuries, has been attacked, humiliated and subjugated; its economy, culture and civilisation were always under attack. India was a burial ground for patriots for several centuries. Patriotic kings and leaders could not last long; they either died in conspiracy, sabotage, or mysterious circumstances. Yet, the country survives amid a chaotic world due to its core strength, which is not material but spiritual.
The present world is on the verge of collapse due to demonic greed. The economy is in ruin in many countries; science and technology are mostly used to amass wealth instead of serving humanity. Mono crop practices have destroyed farm yards across the world. More than 50 per cent of the world population today are not getting adequate food to eat. War after war is being fought to control the resources of the weaker nations. Ravana is born again in a different form to dominate the weak and the vulnerable. The Ukraine war has jeopardised economic growth’s future, pushing many countries into recession. The debt trap economy of China has ruined the economies of many countries; those countries are making compromises with their geo-political interest. The world leaders have made global warming irreversible due to greed and arrogance. The sea has lost its fish stock due to overfishing; the natural balance is dismantled.
The world needs to emulate a country that still preserves its rich culture, traditions, and humanity. This is India, whose philosophy is based on Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, where a little child can fondly share a loaf of bread with a hungry stray dog. Here people share pain and pleasure with one another as they get immense happiness from sharing. Such people, such culture and such civilisation, will never wither under the influence of any external culture or pressure. But letting Bharat to survive needs enormous youth energy, a sense of purpose, raw dedication, willingness to sacrifice, a deeper conviction and true knowledge capital. The Amrit Kaal, which seems to spread its fragrance due to the efforts of our saints and seers, will encompass the entire country and the world.