BENGALURU: In a significant operation, the Bengaluru police have uncovered a counterfeit currency racket that involved the printing and distribution of fake Rs 2,000 notes. The operation came to light when Rs. 25 lakhs worth of counterfeit currency was presented at the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) office in Bangalore for exchange.
The incident unfolded when Afzal, one of the key accused, attempted to exchange the fake notes at the RBI branch. The counterfeit notes raised immediate suspicions among the bank officials, leading them to contact law enforcement. This prompt action resulted in the arrest of Afzal, along with three accomplices: Anwar and Parshid, by the Halasur Gate Police.
The investigation revealed that Afzal had transported the fake currency from Kerala to Bengaluru, intending to swap the counterfeit notes for legitimate currency. The group planned to exchange the counterfeit notes for the current Rs. 500 notes, pocketing the difference after the RBI’s transaction fees. Afzal was prepared to exchange a total of Rs. 25 lakhs, all in fake Rs. 2,000 notes, which were printed to mimic real currency.
The situation escalated quickly. After the arrest of Afzal, police interrogations led them to discover that the counterfeit operation was based in Kasaragod, Kerala. Following this lead, officers traveled to Kasaragod, where they apprehended the remaining suspects involved in the production of the counterfeit notes.
Upon further investigation, law enforcement officials seized a printing machine, counterfeit note paper, and an additional Rs. 29 lakhs worth of fake currency. The materials confiscated included high-quality paper that resembled the composition used for legitimate currency, underscoring the sophistication of the counterfeit operation.
Police reports indicate that the counterfeiters were attempting to make a quick profit by flooding the market with these fake notes. Their strategy involved using the notes to gain wealth quickly through illegal means, ultimately leading to their downfall.
The Halasur Gate Police have filed a case regarding this counterfeit currency operation, categorizing it as a serious criminal offense. The total amount of fake currency seized from the arrested individuals is reported to be around Rs. 54 lakhs, including the original Rs. 25 lakhs presented for exchange. The investigation remains ongoing, with authorities working to track any additional accomplices who may have been involved in the scheme.
As the counterfeit currency issue continues to pose a threat to the economy, the authorities are on high alert. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance against financial fraud and the need for robust measures to combat such illegal activities.
The authorities are urging the public to remain cautious and report any suspicious currency or activity.