CHENNAI: The National Investigation Agency (NIA), India’s premier anti-terror investigation body, has apprehended Faizul Rahman, identified as the Nakib (leader) and state Amir (chief) of Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HuT) for Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. With this latest arrest, the total number of HuT members detained by the NIA in Tamil Nadu has risen to seven, as part of an ongoing crackdown on the extremist organization’s operations within the state.
Faizul Rahman’s arrest is the latest development in the NIA’s investigation of a conspiracy led by Hameed Hussain and others to foster disaffection against the Indian state and promote secessionism using HuT’s anti-India ideology. According to a statement from the NIA, Rahman played an active role in collaborating with the other arrested members, aiming to establish a Khilafat by overthrowing the Indian government through violent jihad. The NIA revealed that Rahman and his associates were seeking military assistance from Pakistan to “liberate” Kashmir as part of their larger goal to establish an Islamic caliphate.
Another Key Accused in TN Hizb-ut-Tahrir Case Arrested by NIA
— NIA India (@NIA_India) October 9, 2024
Propagation of Anti-India Ideology
The NIA’s investigation has uncovered that Rahman, along with the other arrested individuals, had been extensively propagating HuT’s ideology through secret meetings and encrypted communication channels. The organization used social media platforms to disseminate its message and campaigned vigorously against voting, which they labeled as ‘un-Islamic’ or ‘haram’ according to their extremist beliefs.
“All the arrested accused had been spreading the violent ideology of Hizb-ut-Tahrir at the behest of the organization’s Central Media Office to their followers through secret and encrypted communication platforms,” the NIA’s statement read. The agency detailed how these individuals had organized clandestine meetings across Tamil Nadu, promoting divisive campaigns aimed at encouraging disaffection toward the Indian state.
Arrests Linked to Anti-India Secessionism
Faizul Rahman’s arrest follows a series of detentions made by the NIA over recent months. The investigation initially began under the Central Crime Branch of the Chennai Police but was formally taken over by the NIA in July 2024. Since then, the NIA has identified multiple individuals as part of the conspiracy to establish an Islamic caliphate by inciting anti-India sentiments and actions.
Earlier, on August 30, 2024, the NIA arrested another key accused, Aziz Ahamed alias Aziz Ahmed alias Jaleel Aziz Ahmed, at the Bengaluru International Airport as he was attempting to flee the country. He was identified as an active member of Hizb-ut-Tahrir and a collaborator with Hameed Hussain, the alleged mastermind of the conspiracy. The NIA had also arrested several other individuals linked to the case, including Dr. Hameed Hussain, Ahamed Mansoor, Abdul Rahman, Kadar Nawaz Sherif, Ahmed Ali Umari, Mujibur Rahman, and others from various locations in Tamil Nadu and Bengaluru.
Rahman’s Role in the HuT Network
Faizul Rahman, as the state Amir of HuT for Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, was allegedly responsible for organizing secret meetings and leading campaigns in line with the directives from the HuT’s Central Media Office. According to the NIA, Rahman played a key role in spreading the organization’s violent ideology and pushing the agenda of overthrowing the government of India.
The NIA’s investigation revealed that Rahman was in constant communication with his co-conspirators, using encrypted platforms to avoid detection by authorities. His activities included encouraging non-participation in the electoral process and promoting the idea that voting was forbidden under HuT’s extremist interpretation of Islamic teachings.
The arrested individuals, including Rahman, were found to have been involved in multiple activities aimed at creating divisions within Indian society. They are accused of spreading secessionist propaganda and attempting to solicit military support from foreign entities, particularly Pakistan, for their cause.
Imam Arrested for Recruitment Activities
In a parallel investigation, the Serious Crime Squad of the Greater Chennai Police recently arrested Abdul Rahim alias Sait, a 32-year-old Imam from Tondiarpet, on the night of October 3. Rahim was allegedly involved in recruiting youth for Hizb-ut-Tahrir and spreading extremist ideologies within his mosque. He had reportedly harbored a grudge against certain members of the mosque who supported the Vinayagar Chaturthi procession, leading to a quarrel.
மதமென பிரிந்தது போதும்.!
பாட்டை போடுங்கப்பா.விநாயகர் சதுர்த்திக்கு வாழ்த்துச் சொன்ன இஸ்லாமியர்களின் உயிரைப் பறிக்க சதித்திட்டம் தீட்டிய இஸ்லாமிய அடிப்படைவாதி பயங்கரவாதி கைது…
இந்துக்களும், இஸ்லாமியர்களும் தொப்புள் கொடி உறவுகள், மாமன் மச்சான் என்பதெல்லாம் வெறும்
— Hindu Munnani (@hindumunnani_tn) October 5, 2024
During a search of Rahim’s home, police discovered pamphlets and literature related to Hizb-ut-Tahrir’s ideology, including 17 books on the caliphate and Islamic governance. Authorities also seized a machete from his residence, adding further evidence to the charges against him.
Continued Investigation
The NIA, which took over the case from the Chennai City Police in July 2024, is continuing its investigation into the activities of Hizb-ut-Tahrir in Tamil Nadu. The organization, which operates as a pan-Islamist and fundamentalist group, seeks to establish an Islamic caliphate and is known for its radical ideology, which rejects the legitimacy of democratic governance.
The NIA has charged the arrested individuals under the Foreigners Act and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act for their involvement in promoting anti-India activities.