Amid Navratri festivities, tensions have escalated over reports of Muslim youths allegedly infiltrating Dandiya events in Hyderabad under assumed Hindu identities. The Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) has been vocal in its opposition, citing these incidents as part of a larger “Love Jihad” conspiracy, with Hindu women reportedly being targeted. The VHP has issued an urgent call for police and event organisers to impose Hindu-only entry, confirmed through Aadhaar verification, to safeguard the cultural essence of the celebrations.
Dr Ravinuthala Shashidhar, spokesperson for VHP, speaking with Organiser weekly, said Dandiya event is a unique form of worship dedicated to Maa Durga, and at such events deploying non-Hindu security and bouncers is a “dangerous trend.”
An incident occurred at the Namdhari Gaurav Navratri Utsav at Shamshabad where Muslim individuals misbehaved with Hindu women. The attendees intercepted and questioned several Muslim participants, who were allegedly present under false identities. Dr Shashidhar urged event organisers and law enforcement to treat this as a critical security issue, adding, “Before any untoward incident occurs, the police and event managers must implement all precautionary measures; otherwise, this will lead to communal tensions.”
The VHP spokesperson also questioned the motives behind Muslim infiltration, describing it as a premeditated attempt to exploit the festive atmosphere to approach and, in some cases, allegedly harass Hindu women and girls. Dr Shashidhar further highlighted the stark contrast in cultural practices, noting, “Muslim leaders enforce strict rules on their women, be it in Hyderabad or anywhere else in the country. They even laud the Taliban-style restrictions on their own women but have no qualms targeting non-Muslim girls participating in Hindu festivals.”
దాండియా ఒక హిందూసాంస్కృతిక కార్యక్రమం,కొన్ని సంస్థలు దీనిని వ్యాపార కార్యక్రమంగా మార్చడాన్ని VHP తీవ్రంగా వ్యతిరేఖిస్తుంది.హిందూ అమ్మాయిలను లక్ష్యంగా చేసుకొని Laవ్Jiహాద్ జరుగుతున్నా హైదరాబాద్,సైబరాబాద్&రాచకొండ కమీషనరేట్ పోలీసులు ప్రేక్షకపాత్ర వహించడాన్ని VHP తీవ్రంగా ఖండిస్తుంది.
— Dr.Ravinuthala Shashidhar (@shashidhar147) October 6, 2024
Organisers across Bhagyanagar (Hyderabad) have started putting up cautionary posters at Dandiya venues following VHP and Bajrang Dal protests, signalling a heightened awareness and a firm stance against any attempts to exploit the cultural sanctity of these events.
After the VHP & Bajrang Dal protests, organizers of the Dandiya program put up posters like this in Bhagyanagar.@VHPDigital @vinod_bansal
— Dr.Ravinuthala Shashidhar (@shashidhar147) October 8, 2024
The VHP has called upon the Hyderabad, Cyberabad, and Rachakonda police to cancel all permissions granted for Dandiya events held in pubs, clubs, and private venues where tickets are sold, arguing that such settings make Hindu girls more vulnerable. Despite mounting pressure, police have yet to take concrete action, leading VHP to hold authorities accountable should these tensions escalate further.