In a deeply distressing incident, a 19-year-old Hindu girl named Anamika, who was a student at a polytechnic institute, committed suicide on October 5, 2024, after enduring relentless harassment from a local Muslim youth, Mohammad Qasif. The accusations against Qasif include pressuring Anamika to convert to Islam and undergo nikah.
According to family members, the harassment had been ongoing for some time, with Qasif stalking Anamika even to her college in Badaun. This persistent pressure and the emotional toll it took on her proved unbearable, culminating in her tragic decision to take her own life.
The complaint against Qasif was officially lodged by Anamika’s mother on October 6, 2024, leading to his arrest. Fearing for her family’s safety, Anamika’s mother has called for strict action against the accused. She said, “Now that we have taken his name in public, we all fear for our lives, we live in a Muslim-dominated area and hence we need a CBI inquiry for this case and total police protection.”
Anamika’s aunt shared insights into the relationship, revealing that Anamika had initially considered Qasif a friend. However, as his advances turned into coercive demands for conversion and marriage, Anamika firmly rejected him, stating, “I am Hindu, and you are Muslim; we have no future together.” Furthermore, she faced threats from Qasif regarding the release of explicit videos, which added to her distress.
The case has sparked widespread outrage, highlighting the sensitive issues surrounding religious pressures and personal safety in contemporary society. The authorities are conducting a thorough investigation into the circumstances leading to Anamika’s tragic end, and further developments are expected as the situation unfolds.