In a heart-wrenching incident in South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, a 10-year-old girl from class 4 was abducted and murdered, with the community suspecting rape. The incident, which has sparked outrage and protests, occurred in Kripakhali village where the young victim was last seen returning from her tuition class on Friday, October 4, 2024.
The girl’s body, bearing multiple injuries, was discovered on Saturday morning, prompting immediate protests from locals against what they perceived as police inaction and negligence. The family has accused the police of not conducting a timely search, which they believe might have saved the child’s life.
Following the body’s recovery, tensions escalated as villagers clashed with the police. The police resorted to lathi-charge and tear gas to disperse the crowd, further fueling the anger among the residents. Local TMC MLA Ganesh Mondal was also chased away by the crowd, accusing him of supporting the alleged police inaction.
The BJP has vehemently criticised the state government led by Mamata Banerjee, accusing it of failing to protect women in the state. BJP state president Sukanta Majumdar took to social media to express his shock and pose questions about the safety of women in West Bengal, especially during the Navratri festival.
The police have arrested Mustakin Sardar in connection with the crime, who has reportedly confessed to the act. The investigation is ongoing amidst a highly tense atmosphere in Kripakhali, with BJP MLA Agnimitra Paul also visiting the site.
This incident has reignited debates on law and order in West Bengal, with the opposition demanding accountability from the ruling government. The community and political leaders alike are calling for swift justice for the young victim, highlighting the broader issue of safety for women and children in the region.