Former MP and BJP leader Arjun Singh reported that a group of individuals attacked his office-cum-residence, Mazdoor Bhawan, in North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, on October 4. Singh accused TMC-protected “Islamists and goons” of throwing 15 bombs and firing more than a dozen rounds of bullets during the violent assault. He stated that he sustained a splinter wound amid the chaos, criticizing the West Bengal police for their inaction, which he labelled as “shameful.” Singh claimed that the police merely watched as the attack unfolded, further alleging that they had become a stooge of the TMC.
In a tweet on X, Arjun Singh said, “This morning, while everyone was occupied with Navratri Puja, several jihadis and goons, under the protection of Namit Singh, an accused in NIA cases and son of a local @AITCofficial Councillor attacked my office-cum-residence, Mazdoor Bhawan, with the local police looking on.”
This morning, when everyone was busy in Puja for Navratri, several jehadis and goons under the protection of Namit Singh, an accused in the NIA cases and son of the local @AITCofficial Councillor and supervision of the local police attacked my office-cum-residence Mazdoor Bhawan.…
— Arjun Singh (@ArjunsinghWB) October 4, 2024
Speaking to ANI, Singh said, “It was a plan to attack outside my residence. Police were also involved in this. There is a probability that some police officials may not be involved as they were being beaten. Bombs were hurdled and bullets were fired near my residence. It is clear that since TMC is finishing in West Bengal, they are trying to create fear in the state. Namit Singh, the son of the Counsellor along with 10-15 jihadis were involved in this…”.
An officer from Jagatdal police station stated that no injuries had been reported and that senior police officials, along with additional forces, were on-site to carry out an investigation.
Arjun Singh, who recently switched from the Trinamool Congress to the BJP, lost to TMC’s Partha Bhowmick in the latest general elections.
In a post on X, BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari said, “This morning, prominent goons & renowned anti-socials associated with the ruling Trinamool Congress Party attacked the home of senior BJP Leader & Former MP; Arjun Singh, in Bhatpara; North 24 Parganas district. They even hurled crude bombs. As usual the Police played the role of mute spectator and didn’t do much to deter the criminals.”
This morning, prominent goons & renowned anti socials associated with the ruling Trinamool Congress Party attacked the home of senior BJP Leader & Former MP; Shri Arjun Singh, in Bhatpara; North 24 Parganas district. They even hurled crude bombs. As usual the Police played the…
— Suvendu Adhikari (@SuvenduWB) October 4, 2024
He stated that video footage should be sufficient to identify and apprehend the culprits behind this heinous act. “I hope the DGP of West Bengal Police will make an effort to utilize the visuals to catch these miscreants,” he said.