CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi expressed deep disappointment after discovering empty liquor bottles strewn across the Gandhi Mandapam campus during a cleanliness drive. The event, part of the Swachhata Hi Seva 2024 campaign initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, took place at the Gandhi Mandapam, which is adjacent to the Raj Bhavan compound.
மகாத்மா காந்தி பிறந்தநாளை முன்னிட்டு கிண்டி காந்தி மண்டபத்தில் தூய்மைப் பணி மேற்கொண்ட ஆளுநர் R.N.ரவி..#Chennai | #Guindy | #RNRavi | #Governor | #GandhiJayanti | #PolimerNews
— Polimer News (@polimernews) October 1, 2024
Governor Ravi, along with hundreds of volunteers from across the state, participated in the drive aimed at promoting cleanliness and hygiene. What disturbed the Governor was the sight of empty liquor bottles, discarded carelessly by tipplers who had consumed Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) purchased from state-run TASMAC outlets.
#JUSTIN | மகாத்மா காந்தி தூய்மைக்கு முக்கியத்துவம் கொடுத்தவர்: ஆளுநர்#Chennai | #Guindy | #RNRavi | #Governor | #GandhiJayanti | #SwachhBharat
— PuthiyathalaimuraiTV (@PTTVOnlineNews) October 1, 2024
Expressing his regret, Governor Ravi said, “Mahatma Gandhi, a leader of the freedom movement, was also a firm advocate of cleanliness throughout his life. He was against consuming liquor and non-vegetarian food, following these principles in letter and spirit. It is disheartening to see empty liquor bottles littering the campus where his memorial is located. This is the unfortunate tribute some people, especially the intoxicated, seem to be paying to his legacy. It is regrettable.”
பொது வாழ்விற்கு தேவை
இது மாதிரியான
மனிதர்களே..!@rajbhavan_tn— Chinnappa Ganesan (@directorganesan) October 1, 2024
Governor Ravi emphasised the importance of cleanliness as a habit, warning that unclean conditions contribute to the spread of diseases. During the event, the Governor personally cleared vegetation and garbage from the premises, and even cleaned the half-bust statue of Mahatma Gandhi, pouring water over it to remove dirt that had accumulated over time.
Following the drive, Governor Ravi interacted with sanitation workers, praising their unwavering dedication and tireless efforts in maintaining cleanliness in public spaces, and encouraged the public to adopt cleaner habits in daily life.