Since the 1980s, Telugu Maoists from Andhra Pradesh (Telangana) entered parts of Chandrapur-Gadchiroli in Maharashtra. Initially, the Maoists gave false assurances that they would rescue the poor, liberate them, protect them, and fight for their water forests and land. Innocent tribals got deceived by these misleading talks of a handful of Telugu Maoists, resulting in the rise of Maoist terrorism. Shortly after that, the Telugu Maoist leaders literally made the poor tribals as their scapegoats. These Maoists never even built any roads, bridges, hospitals or schools. All their continued efforts have been to keep the tribal areas inaccessible, and their society to always remain backward.
While attacking the police, the Telugu Maoists themselves remain safe behind and put the poor tribal men and women in front. When the clash starts, tribal men and women standing in front lose their lives and these Telugu Maoists safely run away. This has been happening for the last two-three decades to this day. Telugu Maoists have completely destroyed the tribal society.
Shocking figures have come forth regarding the number of tribal lives lost due to them till date.
¤ From 1984 to 2024, 80 tribal policemen were killed in Gadchiroli district alone in attacks by Maoists.
¤ On September 21, 2004, Maoists with a new name, CPI (Mao) have brutally murdered 254 common tribal citizens in Gadchiroli.
¤ 161 tribal Maoists have been killed in clashes with the police. Of these, 88 were women.
¤ So far, 80+254+161=495 tribals have lost their lives and their families have been destroyed in this terror started by Telugu Maoists.
¤ The most shocking thing is that only 6 Telugu Maoists have been killed in Gadchiroli district in these 20 years.
It is clear from these figures that Maoists hid behind tribals and instigated them to kill each other. Tribal brothers, now you must have understood this deadly game of Telugu Maoists.
Tribals slit each other’s throats and shed rivers of blood, and these Telugu Maoists comfortably sat back and enjoyed it. All this must stop now.
Satyashodhan Samitis of urban front organisations never went to check in the last four decades when Telugu Maoists were killing innocent tribals. Front organisations like PUCL, CPDR, Kabir Kala Manch, Samta Kala Manch etc. never uttered even a single word of protest. Tribal brothers must understand this.
If we want to develop the inaccessible tribal areas, their backward society and every tribal person, it is necessary to root out these blood-thirsty Telugu Maoists and their dangerous anti-national Maoist organisations.
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