BHUBANESWAR: The Odisha government, led by Mohan Majhi, is set to launch an ambitious initiative aimed at benefiting milk farmers. This program, called the Mukhyamantri Kamdhenu Yojana, was approved by the state cabinet, chaired by Majhi, on Saturday evening. A comprehensive five-year roadmap has been developed to enhance the income of milk farmers through the Kamdhenu Yojana. Under this initiative, the state government will offer incentives and support to cowherds and milk farmers, with the expectation that both milk production in Odisha and farmers’ incomes will rise.
The objective is to boost the dairy sector and increase the income of dairy farmers in the state, as Law Minister Pritihiviraj Harichandan explained to reporters after the cabinet meeting.
The new state sector umbrella scheme, ‘Mukhyamantri Kamdhenu Yojana (MKY)’, will be implemented over a five-year period from 2024-25 to 2028-29, with a budgetary allocation of Rs 1,423.47 Crore.
“This scheme aims to boost milk production in the state, benefiting 1,547,837 farmers over the next five years and increasing their income,” Harichandan stated.
Additionally, it was decided that the Odisha State Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation (OMFED) will be strengthened, according to Harichandan.
The Odisha government will implement the Go Palan sub-scheme under this Chief Minister Kamdhenu Scheme, for which Rs 476.00 crores have been allocated. This initiative is expected to benefit 31,500 cow farmers.
The state government will cover 85 percent of the insurance premium for livestock, while the remaining 15 percent will be paid by the owners. Under the Go Sampad Bima Yojana sub-scheme, the state government has allocated Rs 187.42 crore to benefit three lakh farmers.
The government will also provide assistance for establishing small dairy units, with Rs 166.43 crore allocated to benefit 625,000 farmers. Additionally, Rs 25.52 crore has been earmarked for strengthening OMFED, and Rs 200.68 crore has been sanctioned for the feed and fodder production sub-scheme, which will cover more than five lakh farmers.
Animal Resources Development Minister Gokulananda Mallick stated that the Chief Minister Kamdhenu Yojana is a historic initiative. It aims to promote cow rearing and protect livestock while providing incentives to boost the income of dairy farmers. This initiative will advance Odisha’s position in milk production, ensuring that the state competes effectively at the national level.
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