BHUBANESWAR: Following the Chief Minister’s directives, financial assistance has been announced for the flood-affected residents of Balasore district. The assistance includes Rs 1,20,000 for the immediate repair of completely damaged houses, Rs 6,500 for partially damaged pucca houses, Rs 4,000 for partially damaged kutcha houses, Rs 8,000 for damaged huts, and Rs 3,000 for damaged cowsheds.
Families whose homes have been completely destroyed or submerged in water for two days will also receive Rs 2,500 for clothing and Rs 2,500 for kitchenware.
To address the losses in crop and horticulture, small and marginal farmers will receive financial assistance based on the type of land they cultivate. Specifically, they will be granted Rs 8,500 per hectare for non-irrigated areas, Rs 17,000 per hectare for irrigated land, and Rs 22,500 per hectare for all types of perennial crops. This assistance will be available for up to two hectares per farmer.
Small and marginal farmers will receive financial assistance based on specific conditions. For three inches of sand deposition on their land, they will be provided with Rs 18,000 per hectare, with a minimum amount of Rs 2,200. For the repair and recovery of fish ponds, the same amount of Rs 18,000 per hectare or a minimum of Rs 2,200 per hectare will be available. In cases where agricultural land suffers significant damage due to landslides or changes in the river’s course, farmers will receive Rs 47,000 per hectare, along with a minimum financial assistance of Rs 5,000 per farmer.
Fishermen will be compensated with Rs 6,000 for their partially damaged boats, Rs 3,000 for partially damaged nets, Rs 15,000 for completely damaged boats, Rs 4,000 for completely damaged nets and Rs 10,000 per hectare for damage to fish seed farms will be provided.
The government has announced financial assistance for domestic dairy animals as follows: Rs 37,500 per cow, Rs 4,000 per goat or sheep, Rs 32,000 per pack animal (such as oxen, goats, or horses), and Rs 20,000 per calf, donkey, or mule.
Each family will be eligible to receive assistance for a maximum of three large dairy animals or 30 small dairy animals, three large pack animals, or six small pack animals.
Additionally, financial support of Rs 5,000 will be provided to each rural artisan, and another Rs 5,000 will be allocated to handicraft artisans for equipment damage or replacement.
On September 17th, Chief Minister Mohan Majhi visited the flood-affected Balasore district. He conducted an aerial survey to assess the damage caused by severe flooding in the Baliapal and Bhograi blocks and reviewed the overall flood situation in Balasore.
Following the Chief Minister’s directives, eight fire brigades, three ODRAF teams, and one NDRF team were deployed to carry out rescue operations for those affected by the flooding.
To support the displaced individuals, cooked meals were provided in the shelters until the flood situation improved. Additionally, health care teams were established at the district level to safeguard the affected population from waterborne diseases, as instructed by the Chief Minister.