Bengaluru: In a shocking turn of events, Mukti Ranjan(31), the prime suspect in the gruesome murder of Mahalakshmi in Bengaluru’s Vayalikaval, has reportedly committed suicide in Odisha. The accused, who had been on the run since the heinous crime, was being pursued by Bengaluru police before the news of his suicide emerged.
The murder of Mahalakshmi(29) a Nepalese Kannadiga residing in Bengaluru, horrified the country over the past few days. Mahalakshmi’s dismembered body was discovered inside a fridge at her home in Vayalikaval, sending shockwaves across the city. Her murder was later linked to Mukti Ranjan Roy, a colleague who worked with her at a fashion factory in Malleswaram.
Mukti Ranjan Roy, a native of Odisha, lived in Hebbagodi, Bengaluru, where he worked as a team leader at the fashion factory. Ranjan and Mahalakshmi were colleagues, and it has been revealed that Ranjan had developed feelings for her. The police suspect that a dispute between the two led to Mahalakshmi’s brutal murder on September 1st.
Mahalakshmi had informed her family in Nelamangala that she would take a week off from work. However, after September 2nd, her family lost contact with her, leading to a search that uncovered her dismembered remains. Investigators revealed that Ranjan had killed Mahalakshmi, dismembered her body, and stuffed it into a fridge before fleeing the scene.
After the murder, Ranjan fled from Bengaluru, first heading to West Bengal, where he managed to avoid capture by staying off the grid and not using a phone. Karnataka police had traveled to West Bengal in pursuit of the suspect, but before they could apprehend him, news broke that Ranjan had taken his own life in Odisha.
The Bengaluru police had been closing in on the fugitive, but Mukti Ranjan’s suicide has now brought the case to a tragic end. The police are expected to release further details about the case and Ranjan’s motive in the coming days. The death of the accused has left unanswered questions about the full circumstances surrounding Mahalakshmi’s murder.
The shocking nature of the crime has left a lasting impact on the community, and the case has drawn significant attention nationwide. The incident serves as a grim reminder of the darker aspects of workplace relationships and personal disputes.