CHENNAI: In a disturbing incident reported from Tamil Nadu’s Thiagaraja Nagar, a 12-year-old Brahmin boy named Akhilesh was allegedly assaulted by four men while en route to attend a religious program on September 22. The attackers were said to have cut his sacred thread (janeu), an important symbol of Brahminical identity, and threatened the boy before fleeing the scene. The incident, which took place at around 4:30 PM, was initially brought to light after Akhilesh recounted the experience to his parents and event organisers. Following this, a complaint was lodged at the Perumalpuram police station.
Taking his social media handle X one Anand Narasimhan said *Tamil Nadu Sacred Thread Story* – As per the complaint copy, Akilesh was on his way to attend a religious event when 4 unidentified men in bike had cut off Akhilesh’s sacred thread and warned him from wearing the sacred threat. The incident took place at 430 pm on Sept 21. The complainant demands the arrest of all the 4 accused
The Tamil Nadu police, led by Assistant Commissioner Vijayakumar, have launched an investigation into the matter. Surveillance footage from the Sivandipatti Road area is being reviewed to identify the suspects. However, the police later issued a statement claiming that the boy had fabricated the story, a revelation that has fueled controversy and public debate across political and social circles.
Political and Social Reactions
The incident has drawn widespread condemnation from several political and religious leaders, with many accusing the government of downplaying the assault. Union Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting, L Murugan, visited the boy’s house and called for strong action against the perpetrators. Addressing the media, Murugan criticised the state of law and order in Tamil Nadu, suggesting that such incidents reflect deeper societal issues.
Hindu Munnani functionary and advocate Kutralingam took to social media to condemn the incident, questioning the silence of the state government and accusing it of inaction. In a Facebook post, Kutralingam referred to the assault as a violation of human rights, asking why the police, who are quick to arrest social media critics, have failed to arrest the culprits responsible for the attack on the Brahmin boy.
The Tamil Nadu Brahmin Association (THAMBRAAS) also issued a strong statement condemning the attack, calling it an affront to religious freedom. The association urged the Tamil Nadu government to take swift and decisive action to apprehend the culprits. It also raised concerns about a growing trend of anti-Brahmin rhetoric and targeted attacks on the community, citing recent political statements that have inflamed tensions. THAMBRAAS emphasized that such acts of violence threaten the secular fabric of the state and nation.
BJP Condemnation and Broader Concerns
TN BJP Vice President Narayanan Thirupathy joined the chorus of condemnation, urging Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin to intervene and ensure justice for Akhilesh. Thirupathy highlighted that the sacred thread is not only worn by Brahmins but also by other communities like Chettiars, Ayravaisiyas, and goldsmiths, making the attack not only an assault on a boy but on the wider Hindu community. He criticised the alleged political motives behind the attack, linking it to historical and ideological conflicts propagated by political groups like the Justice Party, Dravidar Kazhagam, and the ruling Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK).
Thirupathy’s remarks have fueled the ongoing debate about the resurgence of anti-Brahmin sentiment in Tamil Nadu, with critics pointing to a pattern of such incidents occurring when the DMK is in power. Drawing parallels to incidents during the rule of former Chief Minister MG Ramachandran (MGR), some have recalled how the Brahmin community was targeted in the 1980s, leading to the formation of associations to protect their interests.
Police Response and Public Skepticism
Despite the serious allegations, the police have since claimed that the boy fabricated the story. The Tirunelveli police emphasised that no such attack occurred and that the youth had spread false information. This official narrative, however, has been met with skepticism by many, including Akhilesh’s parents, who insist that their son was indeed attacked but has been left too traumatized to recount the event coherently.
Critics of the police response have cited past incidents where authorities allegedly attempted to cover up or downplay similar attacks. In Coimbatore, for instance, a bomb blast was initially misreported as an LPG cylinder explosion, and cases involving vandalism of temple idols were dismissed as actions by mentally unstable individuals. These incidents, according to critics, reflect a pattern of reluctance by law enforcement to acknowledge attacks on Hindu symbols or institutions.
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