HYDERABAD: In a deeply concerning incident that has left the Hindu community outraged, a sacred temple chariot was set ablaze at midnight in Hanakanahal village, Kanekal Mandal, Anantapur district. The chariot, a vital part of temple rituals and traditions, was burnt in what appears to be a deliberate attack by miscreants. The brazen act has sparked widespread anger among devotees, who view this as yet another assault on Hindu religious sentiments.
CM Chandrababu Naidu has strongly condemned the incident, expressing his deep anguish over the targeting of Hindu temples and symbols. He immediately held high-level discussions with district officials, gathering details on the incident.
The CM ordered a comprehensive investigation into the chariot-burning incident, directing law enforcement to leave no stone unturned in identifying and arresting the culprits. He emphasised that such acts of desecration are a direct affront to the faith of millions of Hindus, and those responsible must be brought to justice swiftly.
Additionally, CM Naidu instructed officials to provide him with real-time updates on the progress of the investigation, reflecting his commitment to ensuring that justice is served.
In the wake of the Tirumala Laddu row, where suspicions arose regarding the involvement of non-Hindus in the sacred temple administration, this latest attack is being seen by many as an alarming continuation of religious disruptions. While CM Chandrababu ordered a swift and thorough investigation into the chariot incident, calling for the immediate arrest of those responsible, the opposition has questioned the government’s handling of rising religious tensions in the state.
In September 2020, a major incident occurred at the Antarvedi Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple in the East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, when the temple’s 60-year-old wooden chariot was destroyed in a mysterious fire. The chariot, which was housed in a shed on the temple premises, caught fire in the early hours, leading to widespread outrage and religious tensions in the region.
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