CHENNAI: A disturbing incident of gang rape has been reported in Tamil Nadu, highlighting the alarming rise in sexual attacks on girls in the state. A 16-year-old girl studying in Class XI was allegedly gang-raped by three persons, including two juveniles, near Thalambur, 35 km south of Chennai, on September 20th evening.
According to reports, the girl had gone to her tuition classes after school and was returning home when the incident occurred. She did not return home until around 9 pm, when her worried parents found her with torn clothes and injuries all over her body. The girl was taken to a hospital for treatment, where medical examination and her statement were recorded. The police were informed, and a case was registered under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act.
The girl told her parents that she had been accosted by the trio while returning home, forced to a secluded place, and sexually assaulted by each of them in turn. The repeated assault left her unconscious, but she regained consciousness and returned home. Her parents took her to a private hospital, where she is currently undergoing medical care.
The police arrested the three accused, including a 23-year-old man who is now in judicial custody. The two minors, aged 16, have been sent to a correctional home in Chengalpet after being presented before the Juvenile Justice Board (JJB).
The accused were reportedly homeless and unemployed, with one of them making a living by picking rags. The victim’s father and local residents attempted to apprehend the assailants but they fled into a nearby reserved forest area. The case has been transferred to the Selaiyur All Women Police Station (AWPS) for further investigation.
The recent arrests of five individuals, including three women, for trying to push a minor girl into prostitution in Coimbatore, highlight the alarming rise in such incidents.
In the first incident, a 9th standard dropout was lured with false promises of money and taken to a house where she overheard the intention to use her as a sex worker. She immediately informed her friend, who alerted the Child Line, leading to the arrest of the five individuals under the POCSO Act and Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act.
In another shocking incident, residents of Pallipayalam waylaid the TN Forest Minister’s convoy and informed him about the sexual torture by Alamedu government Middle school Head master and teachers. The school in Namakkal district has classes from 1 to 8th standard. The district collector was accused of not taking action on their complaints, prompting them to ghero the minister’s car.
A third incident involved advocate Abdul Razak, who was arrested for sexually harassing girl college students and women who travel in train. The students and working women complained to the police, who registered a case and arrested Razak after an initial investigation.
In a separate incident, a government Higher Secondary School teacher was suspended pending inquiry on charges of making a reel for organising a baby shower ceremony for a pregnant class 11th standard student within the school premises.
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