On the occasion of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s 74th birthday, the Bharatiya Janata Part (BJP) (Minority Front), under the leadership of Delhi State President Anees Abbasi, organized a special felicitation program at the revered dargah of Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki in Mehrauli. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation as people gathered to extend their wishes to the Prime Minister, chanting slogans of “Tum Jiyo Hazaron Saal” (May you live for thousands of years).
Jamal Siddiqui, National President of the BJP Minority Front, graced the occasion as the chief guest. He, along with his team, offered flowers and a ceremonial chadar (a cloth of devotion) at the shrine of the revered Sufi saint. The group prayed for Prime Minister Modi’s long life, continued leadership, and the progress of the nation. Sweets were distributed as part of the celebration.
In addition to the birthday celebrations, the event also marked a significant milestone: the completion of 100 days of the Modi 3.0 government. Attendees expressed their admiration for the Prime Minister’s leadership, highlighting the historic decisions taken during his previous terms, which have shaped his image as a visionary leader both nationally and globally.
Jamal Siddiqui remarked, “PM Modi has taken many historic decisions in the last 10 years, transforming his image into that of a visionary Prime Minister. He has also established himself as a global leader. We all pray for his long life and continued success.”
Several key figures from the BJP Minority Front were present, including National Vice President S.M. Akram, Sufi Samvad Abhiyan’s National Doctor Aslam, Co-incharge Kamal Babar, National Co-media Co-incharge Faisal Mumtaz, Delhi Media Head Imtiaz Ahmed, and others. The event underscored the unity and support for Prime Minister Modi within the minority community, reaffirming their faith in his leadership.