Devbhoomi Himachal has made headlines nationwide in recent days. For several days, the Hindu community of Himachal has been protesting in the streets. The intensity of these protests is rapidly increasing. In Shimla and Mandi, the police administration was insensitive, using lathi charges and water cannons on innocent Hindu protesters. On September 14, Hindu organisations called for Himachal Bandh, and protests were held in all districts, with memorandums presented to the authorities. In such a context, asking why the Hindu community of Himachal has suddenly taken to the streets is necessary.
The answer includes criminal acts carried out by migrants from other states in Himachal Pradesh, illegal mosque-mazar construction, involvement of the Waqf Board, and incidences of hawkers misbehaving with locals. All of this stems from an Islamic Jihad plan carried out by Jamaatis from outside Himachal.
These same Jamaatis have poisoned Himachal’s environment by trapping local Muslims also . The number of mosques in Himachal, also known as Devbhoomi because of the temples dedicated to Hindu gods and goddesses, is steadily expanding. Jamaatis visit and remain in these mosques, and the whole game is going on. As a result, the local business community is outraged. The hawkers’ wares are of poor quality and do not pay taxes or have any bills or vouchers. The timing of their hawking is when the males go to work. At that time only ladies remain in the house, so these hawkers continued to play games with them.
Surprisingly, they do not have an identity card, and their Aadhar cards are questionable. Locals believe that many of these hawkers are doing all of this while concealing their true identity. Only after the illegal construction of the Sanjauli Masjid became known did comparable examples of illegal mosque construction in Mandi, Kullu, and Bilaspur districts emerge. Such videos have gone viral on social media, in which the birth date on everyone’s Aadhar card is 01-01… The middle-aged hawker’s Aadhar card features a young child’s photo. When local people ask them, they behave rudely.
Some have a paper with the seal of the police station. As per local businessmen, this simple paper does not permit anyone to sell goods through hawking.
The traders of Ghumarwin in Bilaspur district requested this information from the police department via RTI, and the police responded in writing, stating that we do not have the authority to grant permission to anyone to hawk. Overall, this game of hawking operates illegally. The vehicles especially bikes used by these hawkers lack documentation, and the majority of the bikes do not have number plates. These hawkers are not even registered, and if they are, the registration process has several faults.
Ever since the number of hawkers has started increasing in Himachal, incidents like theft, love jihad and missing children have started increasing in every district. The internal security of the Hindu community of Himachal is in danger due to these hawkers, who are mostly Muslims. Young and middle-aged hawkers go from door to door in the village collecting falling hair from the heads of women. Imagine what they would be earning. For what purpose is the hair from women’s head collected?
The second major issue on which Hindu society is outraged is the illegal construction of mosques. Only after the issue of illegal construction of the Sanjauli Masjid came out similar issues of illegal mosque construction in Mandi, Kullu, and Bilaspur districts emerged. There is also concern since Jamaatis from other states dwell in these mosques and have been seen misbehaving with locals, particularly women. The statements of the Sanjauli women can be confirmed in the national media.
The Hindu community of Himachal has recognised the threat of ‘demographic change’ occurring systematically, like in Uttarakhand. In recent years, drug smuggling from other states has escalated in Himachal, particularly Chitta (Heroine). Chitta addiction has led to the premature death of young individuals. People’s homes are being ruined as a result of their addiction. The cops apprehend drug addicts but cannot control the big mafia. People are also outraged because the administration is unable to take concrete action on this issue.
The reason for the Hindu community hitting the streets is to ensure their internal security from the government, to save the loss caused to the local business class due to hawkers and to stop the construction of illegal mosques. The state government has been particularly indifferent and careless in dealing with the issues and problems of Himachal’s Hindu community. As a result, Hindu society has begun to prepare itself to face these problems. The government’s insensitivity may be shown callously by the fact that one of its ministers confirms the unlawful building of the Sanjauli mosque and the presence of Rohingyas in Shimla in a speech to the state assembly, but no action is taken. On the contrary, the minister’s voice was silenced.
Overall, the Hindu community of Himachal wants the government to provide a solution for the state’s internal security, love jihad, land jihad caused by the unlawful construction of Majars and mosques, and the plot to bring loss to local businesses. It remains to be seen what action the government will take, but the Hindu community of Himachal has begun to prepare to deal with these issues.
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