PATNA: A team of Uttar Pradesh police in close coordination with Bhagalpur police have apprehended an accused who had threatened to blow up the Ram temple of Ayodhya in June this year. The police team nabbed Maksood Ansari, a resident of Badi Khanjarpur area of Bhagalpur from his home town on Friday, September 13.
Ansari had allegedly issued threats to blow up the Ram temple alongside assassinating Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath in a Facebook post on June 14. Following the threats, the intelligence agencies was in search of the accused behind the threatening message, who eventually succeeded in tracing down the accused under Bhagalpur’s Birari police station limits on Friday.
According to the reports, Maksood was picked up from Badi Khanjarpur area, the police team have recovered four mobile phones from the possession of Maksood including the one through which he threatened to blow up the temple.
Further his connection with Pakistan based terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad is also being investigated by the authorities after it come to the fore that Maksood was allegedly in contact with Aamir, a suspected operative of Jaish-e-Mohammad. The accused was also said to be indulged in cybercrimes which is too being investigated by the police.
Meanwhile the mother of the accused has claimed that Maksood had given his phone to his brother-in-law, Aman for some time and they are not aware that how he used that phone. The authorities are now also investigating the role of Aman. According to Ansari’s mother, he has applied for a job in some foreign country through a Chandigarh based company and was in touch with the company for visa related work.
Following the arrest, Maksood was produced before a court on Saturday, September 14 and was subsequently taken to Uttar Pradesh. As of now, the case is being investigated by the police and more details are awaited. It must be noted here that a similar threat linked to blowing up the temple premises was also received on the day of consecration ceremony on January 22 this year after which the agencies has nabbed a person from Araria district.
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