In yet another display of increasing communal tensions in the city, the Hindu and the Muslim sides came face-to-face in Uttar Pradesh’s Bareilly. Tensions broke out between the two communities as the Muslims attempted to take out the Barawafat procession from the same route where Kanwar Yatra was attacked last year. The procession was organised by the Muslim side marking Eid, Milad-Un-Nabi, on the night of September 15. With heavy police deployment, the situation is under control in the region.
As per the reports, the tensions erupted as there was a dispute over the route of the procession. The Muslim side took out the procession amidst chanting of Islamic slogans and the Hindu side came on the streets and began sloganeering against the event. The slogans and tensions lasted for hours and it was only after the police officials arrived the people could be pacified.
The Hindu side accused that a new tradition is being imposed, as previously during Savan, attempts were made to stop their Kanwar Yatra. Therefore, they will not allow the Muslim procession to pass through the dedicated route either.
Meanwhile, the Muslim side claimed that they have been taking out their procession through this route every year. Following this, there was a fierce clash between the two communities.
It is being reported that the young men in the Barawafat procession had brought a music system with them. The Muslim youths gathered in Navada and started their procession at 8 p.m. When the procession moved towards Maurya’s gali, the Hindu side sat on the road and blocked the path. The Hindu side prevented them from passing through.
On the other hand, the Hindu side claims that previously, their Kanwar Yatra was also stopped when passed from this route. During the month of Savan, their Kanwar Yatra was not allowed to pass in front of Shah Noori Mosque. Therefore, they will not allow the Barawafat procession to pass either.
The Hindu side described this as a new tradition. They stated that if the procession is taken through here, they would collectively migrate from the area.
Meanwhile, the commotion continued late into the night. After which, the police, with great effort, managed to calm both sides. Following this incident, security arrangements have been deployed in the area due to the tension.
Bareilly Police from their official X account said, “In relation to the matter, Inspector-in-charge Baradwari, Bareilly along with the police force is present on the spot and a solution is being tried.”
As of now, the situation is under control and the police teams are investigating the case further.
Notably, “Barawafat”, also popularly known as “Milad-Un-Nabi” is a festival celebrated by Muslim community throughout the globe. It is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam.
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