After decades of public demand, Telangana will officially celebrate September 17 as Telangana Praja Palana Day, marking the day in 1948 when Hyderabad State merged with the Indian Union. This historic moment, often overlooked in the broader narrative of India’s independence, came 13 months after August 15, 1947, and was achieved through “Operation Polo,” a police action that liberated the region from Nizam’s rule. For years, the significance of this event had gone unrecognized by the governments of Andhra Pradesh and later Telangana, despite Maharashtra and Karnataka commemorating it.
In a significant development, the Telangana state government has now chosen to honor the day as one of people’s governance, issuing orders for the national flag to be hoisted across government offices, urban bodies, and gram panchayats. Chief Minister Revanth Reddy will lead the celebrations by hoisting the Tricolour at an official program in Hyderabad, with ministers and dignitaries doing the same across district headquarters.
This decision aligns with the recent notification from the Ministry of Home Affairs, which, on March 12, 2024, declared September 17th as “Hyderabad Liberation Day” to honor the martyrs who fought for the region’s integration with India. The Ministry’s announcement addressed the long-standing demand to recognize the liberation of Hyderabad from the Nizam’s rule.
To oversee the celebrations, Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari held a meeting with senior officials of the state. Temporary illumination of key landmarks such as the Raj Bhavan, Secretariat, Assembly, and High Court will further add grandeur to the occasion.
This year’s celebrations hold special significance, as they reflect the culmination of seven decades of public struggle to gain official recognition for Hyderabad’s liberation. For the people of Telangana, September 17th will now stand as a testament to the region’s hard-won freedom and the spirit of unity that binds it to the Indian Union.
Once hailed as a day of liberation from Nizam’s rule, September 17 has taken on multiple identities over the years. Originally marked as Hyderabad Liberation Day to honour the region’s integration into the Indian Union, it was later reframed as Telangana National Integration Day under the BRS government in 2023. Now, with the Congress in power, the day has been rebranded yet again as Praja Palana Dinotsavam, sparking a journey of shifting narratives and ongoing political tussles over its true meaning.
The Stand of Political Parties:
The BJP has long maintained that September 17, 1948, marks the day Hyderabad was freed from Nizam’s rule through the historic Operation Polo, uniting the state with the Indian Union—an event the party has championed as an act of liberation. On March 12, 2024, the Ministry of Home Affairs officially reinforced this by declaring the day as Hyderabad Liberation Day, aligning with long-standing demands from various sections of the public to formally recognize the struggle and sacrifices made to liberate the region.
However, the previous BRS government had downplayed the term “liberation,” instead opting for Telangana National Integration Day, arguing that the day symbolized a merger with the Indian Union rather than liberation from oppressive rule.
Now, with the Congress in power, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has introduced a new twist by renaming the day as Praja Palana Dinotsavam, or Day of People’s Governance, further diluting the true historical significance of the event.
Critics have pointed out that the Congress and BRS seem intent on blurring the historical context of September 17, as they navigate between narratives that downplay the region’s freedom from the brutal Islamic Asaf Jahi dynasty. Meanwhile, the BJP has remained resolute in commemorating the day as one of liberation, urging the public to remember the struggles and martyrdom that led to Hyderabad’s integration into India.
The Congress and BRS’s reluctance to acknowledge September 17 as Hyderabad Liberation Day is widely seen as a result of their appeasement of AIMIM, a party with roots in the MIM, which had aligned with the Razakars. Historically, the Razakars sought to establish Hyderabad as an independent Islamic state, resisting its merger with India, and were involved in hate crimes and attacks against Hindus to maintain Nizam’s rule and Islamic supremacy in the region.
In their efforts to appease AIMIM, both Congress and BRS have been accused of downplaying the true significance of this day, reframing it in ways that dilute its historical context. Rather than acknowledging the liberation of Hyderabad from oppressive rule, these parties have shifted the narrative to suit their political interests, steering away from the uncomfortable truths of the region’s past.