In a startling turn of events, RTI activist Gangaraju has levelled serious allegations against Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, accusing him of being involved in dubious land transactions during his tenure. The accusations centre around land irregularities involving Smt. Parvathy Siddaramaiah, Siddaramaiah’s wife, suggests that the Chief Minister misused his power to manipulate land dealings, causing significant financial losses to the Karnataka Urban Development Authority (MUDA).
The focal point of these allegations is a 3-acre and 16-gunta parcel of land at Survey No. 464 in Kesari Village, Kasaba Hobli, Mysore Taluk. According to Gangaraju, this land was improperly exchanged for 14 replacement plots in the Vijayanagar Third and Fourth Phases of Mysore under questionable circumstances. The activist claims that after the issuance of the purchase deed for these plots on January 13, 2022, essential documentation that Smt should have submitted. Parvathy Siddaramaiah was deliberately withheld, casting doubts on the legality and transparency of the transactions.
This is not the first land-related controversies involving Siddaramaiah’s tenure have surfaced. During his time as Chief Minister from 2014 to 2018, there were multiple allegations against the Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA) for improper land allotments and irregularities. Several reports highlighted questionable land allocations to politically connected individuals, often bypassing established protocols and regulations. Critics have often pointed to a culture of favouritism and lack of transparency in MUDA’s land dealings under Siddaramaiah’s administration.
The recent allegations echo these past controversies, with Gangaraju asserting that a network of political influence and power misuse facilitated the current land exchange. He claims that Siddaramaiah and his close aides orchestrated a scheme to illegally benefit from these land transactions by creating falsified documents and exploiting his political position.
Gangaraju has provided specific details about the plots involved, noting that several of the 14 replacement plots were located in Vijayanagar’s Third Phase (Blocks C, D, E, and G) and 4th Phase. These include plot numbers 25, 331, 332, 213, 214, 215, among others, totaling 13 plots registered in the name of Smt. Parvathy Siddaramaiah. Complicating matters further, it is alleged that Siddaramaiah’s assistant, S.G. Dinesh Kumar, acted on behalf of Smt. Parvathy Siddaramaiah without proper authorisation, leading to the illegal recording of these transactions with MUDA.
Of particular concern is the claim that Plot No. 216 in Vijayanagar Third Phase was registered without any formal application or documentation, raising serious questions about the integrity of the transaction. This irregularity suggests a potential abuse of power, where normal procedures were bypassed to favour the Chief Minister’s family.
Gangaraju’s allegations suggest a broader pattern of power misuse during Siddaramaiah’s tenure, claiming that the Chief Minister orchestrated a series of fraudulent land transactions, leveraging his political influence to defraud authorities and enrich his family. The activist further asserts that Siddaramaiah’s son, MLA Yatindra Siddaramaiah, and their close aide, Dinesh Kumar, were also involved in these dealings. The alleged financial impact of these irregularities on the Karnataka Urban Development Authority is estimated to exceed Rs 75,000 crores.
In response to these serious allegations, Gangaraju has demanded immediate disciplinary action against all officials involved in these transactions and urged the Mysore Urban Development Commissioner to annul all accounts filed under these suspicious circumstances. He also called for a comprehensive investigation to determine the extent of the alleged corruption and to hold those responsible accountable.
These revelations have triggered a public outcry, with many citizens and political observers demanding a thorough investigation. The allegations, if proven true, could have far-reaching implications for Siddaramaiah and his political future, potentially reshaping the political landscape in Karnataka. They also highlight the ongoing challenges of ensuring transparency and accountability in governance, particularly concerning land transactions and urban development.
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