Amid the recent disastrous floods in Tripura, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s Karyakartas are adhering to the principle of Seva Hi Dharma. Hundreds of RSS members worked hard in the rescue mission and provided help to flood-affected residents in Tripura’s Gomti and Western districts despite the harsh weather. During this disaster, thousands of people received prompt help.
Following the terrible floods that have devastated several areas of Tripura, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has proven once more to be steadfast in its dedication to social service. Though many of their own members have been impacted by the tragedy, Swayamsevaks from Gomti and South districts have risen to the challenge and are giving fellow flood victims vital support. Three hundred and seventy nine committed volunteers have contributed to the ongoing relief activities, which have been carried out in 64 locations around the impacted areas. Their efforts have provided 2,520 flood-affected households with much-needed help, acting as a lifeline for those who are struggling in the wake of the natural calamity.
Continued Commitment to Service
The district’s Seva Pramukh has described the wide range of the RSS’s relief operations.
Continued Commitment to Service:
Jila Seva Pramukh has confirmed that RSS will carry out relief work in the coming days since it is dedicated to assisting the communities impacted by the floods. RSS’s prompt and well-coordinated reaction to the flood crisis emphasises the value of community-driven projects in disaster management, and their efforts provide witness to the organisation’s commitment to serving others.
For people who have lost so much, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s initiatives offer hope and assistance as the region embarks on a protracted healing journey. The Swayamsevaks’ tenacity and unity in the Gomti and South Districts serve as an encouraging illustration of how group efforts may have a significant impact during difficult times.
There were heavy floods in Tripura from August 19 to August 24, which caused a lot of damage. According to a Revenue Department official, the central delegation which visited Tripura to access the damage caused by the devastating flood, spoke with locals and looked over aid camps in both areas. Central government has already provided financial support to the Tripura government.
According to the State Relief, Rehabilitation and Disaster Management Department, approximately 72,000 people have been displaced and 31 individuals have lost their lives as a result of the terrible floods that hit Tripura. Currently, 346 relief camps are in operation throughout the state as part of relief efforts, housing about 52,906 individuals. These camps provide basic necessities like food, potable water, and medical care. Authorities are making sure that toilets are cleaned on a regular basis, that disinfectant sprays are applied, and that the shelters are kept hygienic. This is done to prevent waterborne infections.
In response to the severe flooding in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, members of the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) have actively engaged in relief and rescue operations. The flooding, triggered by extensive rains on August 30 and 31, resulted in the breach of the Budameru stream and inundated areas including Ayodhya Nagar, Singh Nagar, Bhavanipuram, Krishna Lanka, and Mahanadu Katta.
Addressing the urgent needs of the affected residents, the members of Seva Bharathi, a unit of the RSS, organized an immediate relief effort. The operation saw the distribution of food packets and water bottles to those in need. Approximately 100 women, 40 students, and 75 men participated in the relief efforts.
Specifically, Singh Nagar received 4,500 food packets and 3,500 water bottles. Ayodhya Nagar was provided with 2,200 food packets and 1,800 water bottles, while Mahanadu Katta saw 800 food packets distributed. Additionally, the One Town area received 1,200 food packets and 700 water bottles. Efforts were also made to rescue individuals trapped in the floods and bring them to safety.
Every day, 1,271 physicians actively visit different relief camps to treat health-related concerns resulting from the floods. Furthermore, 1,867 health camps have been held, helping 43,887 individuals. With the exception of 163 schools that are still shuttered, 4,734 schools in the state have reopened. In particular, there are still 51 schools in South Tripura, 65 in the Gomati district, 34 in Sepahijala, and 14 in Dhalai that have not started courses yet.
Preliminary estimates indicate that the state of Tripura experienced losses of Rs 15,000 crore, as announced by Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha on 27th August. The damage caused by the floods is probably going to get worse because evaluation efforts are still in progress. Our current numbers are based on approximations, the CM said.
The state administration of Tripura has formally designated the area as a “Natural Calamity Affected Area” in reaction to the terrible floods that occurred there. The State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) meeting chaired by the Chief Secretary took place on August 24 to make the decision, and on August 27 the official announcement was issued. A press announcement emphasising the gravity of the situation was released by the state emergency management department. A historic flood crisis has been brought on by persistently high rains, endangering both property and life. Notably, the Gomati River in Sonamura is progressively losing water, but the entire flood situation is still quite dangerous.
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