The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) has announced its election committee for the upcoming Delhi University Students’ Union (DUSU) elections. This committee will oversee all election-related decisions, including the selection of candidates who will contest in the election.
Dr. Tapan Bihari, ABVP’s Delhi State President, has been appointed as the Chairman of the election committee. The committee also includes notable members such as ABVP National Girls’ Coordinator Manu Sharma Kataria, National Secretary Shivangi Kharwal, Delhi State Secretary Harsh Attri, State Organising Secretary Ram Kumar, State Joint Organising Secretary Vipin Uniyal, DUSU President Tushar Dedha, DUSU Secretary Aprajita, and North Zone Pramukh Dr. Lalit Pandey.
Following the formation of the committee, discussions have commenced regarding potential candidates for the DUSU elections. Dr. Tapan Bihari highlighted the positive response to this year’s “DUSU in Campus” campaign and assured that the names of candidates would be announced soon.
“ABVP has always stood by the students, representing their concerns and rights. This year’s campaign has been well received, and the election committee is actively discussing potential candidates,” said Dr. Bihari.
ABVP Delhi State Secretary Harsh Attri also emphasised the engagement of ABVP units across various university campuses. According to him, these units are connecting with students, sharing the work done by the outgoing ABVP-led DUSU, and seeking feedback for the upcoming manifesto.
“We have received massive positive feedback from the students. With the election committee now in place, discussions are underway, and the names of potential candidates will be released soon,” stated Attri.
The DUSU elections are one of the most anticipated student union elections in India, with ABVP being a major contender in recent years.
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