On Tuesday, September 3, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) informed a special court in Alipore of serious allegations against Sandip Ghosh, the former Principal of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital. According to the CBI, Ghosh was involved in siphoning off funds and making 84 illegal appointments at the hospital between 2022 and 2023. The revelations came after the arrest of Ghosh, along with security guard Afsar Ali Khan (44) and hospital vendors Suman Hazara (46) and Biplav Singha (52), on charges of financial irregularities.
Irregular appointments and lack of transparency
The CBI presented evidence showing that Ghosh bypassed established procedures for appointing house staff at the medical college. It was revealed that 84 candidates were selected in violation of rules during the years 2022 and 2023.
“For 2024, a 13-member committee was formed for the selection, preparation of the merit list, and counseling of house staff positions for MBBS graduates. All relevant documents, including resolutions and final merit scores, were signed by committee members, and the final order of selection was endorsed by Dr. Sandip Ghosh,” the CBI stated.
However, for the years 2022 and 2023, the selection documents lacked essential details such as resolutions and a detailed calculation of marks. “These documents only contained the final marks and the order for the selection of 84 candidates. The signatures of committee members were notably absent from the mark-sheets and other key documents, indicating a deliberate flouting of rules,” the CBI highlighted.
Funds siphoning through manipulation
The CBI also accused Sandip Ghosh of siphoning off funds through manipulated tender management, in collusion with other accused individuals. The investigation revealed that Ghosh showed undue favor to certain firms in exchange for kickbacks.
“It is primarily revealed that Dr. Sandip Ghosh granted undue favours to M/s Khama Louha by awarding them space on rent for running a café, exploiting the influence of Chandan Louha with prominent individuals,” the agency told the court.
Furthermore, the CBI uncovered that contracts were awarded to firms like M/s Maa Tara Traders, M/s Hazra Medical, and Nisha Enterprises by splitting multiple works just below Rs 1 lakh to circumvent the standard quotation process required for procurement. “Numerous bills have been seized where amounts were just below Rs 1 lakh. Similarly, several instances were found where amounts were kept a few rupees under Rs 10,000 to avoid the need for quotations altogether,” the CBI emphasised.
Timeline of investigation against Sandip Ghosh
The investigation into financial misconduct at RG Kar Medical College gained momentum in August of this year, when Dr. Akhtar Ali, the former Deputy Superintendent of the hospital, filed a petition with the Calcutta High Court. He demanded an inquiry by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) into the alleged financial improprieties at the medical facility.
Dr. Ali accused Sandip Ghosh of various misdeeds, including trafficking biomedical waste, illegally selling unclaimed dead bodies, and awarding tenders in exchange for commissions from medicine suppliers. He further alleged that Ghosh charged students between Rs 5 lakh to Rs 8 lakh in return for favourable exam results.
Before the CBI took over, the case involving financial irregularities was being handled by a Special Investigation Team (SIT) appointed by the State government. As part of their investigation, the CBI had earlier conducted a raid at Sandip Ghosh’s residence in connection with the case. Ghosh, along with the main accused, Sanjay Roy, and four other doctors, was subjected to a polygraph test to gather further evidence.
Investigations uncovers systematic corruption
The arrest and charges against Sandip Ghosh and his associates have uncovered what appears to be a systematic effort to undermine the transparency and integrity of the recruitment and financial management processes at RG Kar Medical College. The ongoing investigation by the CBI is expected to shed more light on the extent of the corruption and the network of individuals involved in these financial misdeeds.
As the legal proceedings continue, further details are likely to emerge, painting a clearer picture of the alleged malpractices that have tainted one of the state’s prominent medical institutions.
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