Famous singer Kumar Sanu has raised serious questions on Bollywood’s silence while reacting to the recent Kolkata rape case. He says that no big Bollywood artist has spoken a word on such a big issue. Sanu said, “All are hollow from inside, these people are cowards. They don’t say anything out of fear. They don’t have the courage to raise their voice against heinous crimes like rape and murder.”
A video surfaced on X, in which Kumar Sanu talked about how Tollywood celebs have not spoken about the Kolkata rape and murder case. He said, “Kolkata ka jo kaand hua usme humare Bollywood nahi, Tollywood ke kaunsa log aaye bahar nikal ke. Merko ek ka naam boliye, ye log koi response nahi diya. Dar hai hum bolega toh uske baad kya hone wala hai. Ye jo baad wala soch, ye in log ko khaye jata hai. Inke andar koi guts, himmat kuch hai hi nahi.”
He said that due to this silence, injustice is increasing in the society. “It is necessary to speak against injustice. If you do not speak today, then tomorrow, this injustice will knock at your door”.
This statement came at a time when the Kolkata rape case has shaken the whole country. There is anger against this incident across the country, but the silence of the big faces of Bollywood has disappointed the people.
Kumar Sanu also emphasised that celebrities, who hold significant influence and have a platform to bring attention to critical issues, should speak out against such heinous crimes.
Meanwhile, some Bollywood stars who spoke about the disturbing Kolkata rape and murder case include Hrithik Roshan, Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Vijay Varma, Ayushmann Khurrana, Parineeti Chopra, and Kriti Sanon, among others.
Kumar Sanu is known for sharing his opinions in open and not getting scared of the consequences. He has always believed in speaking up the harsh truth. He had recently spoken about how people in the industry love him a lot and respect him but they never give him work.
On August 9, the half-naked body of a female (PGT) doctor on duty was found in the lecture hall of a government hospital in Kolkata. The Kolkata rape-murder case has shocked the entire country.
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