The investigation into a madrasa in Prayagraj allegedly involved in counterfeit cash manufacturing continues to evolve, uncovering unsettling new details. Authorities are now on a quest to locate approximately 630 former students who attended the madrasa, where Maulvi Tafseerul, a key figure in the case, is accused of indoctrinating students with extremist ideologies.
The madrasa, which has been under scrutiny since the discovery of counterfeit cash manufacturing equipment, has reportedly received substantial annual funding from abroad, totalling around Rs 48 lakh. This significant financial inflow has drawn the attention of multiple investigative agencies, including the Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) and the Intelligence Bureau (IB), in collaboration with local police forces.
The investigation gained momentum with the arrival of ATS teams in Prayagraj on September 3. The IB had initiated its probe a week earlier, on August 28. The madrasa, where Maulvi Tafseerul taught for approximately six years, has come under intense scrutiny due to its extensive foreign funding. Reports indicate that the institution has received substantial support from countries such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey, with the total amounting to over Rs 2 crore to date.
Shahid, the Madrasa Committee manager, has asserted that the funds received are international aid meant to cover the students’ maintenance, education, and living expenses. Despite these claims, authorities remain skeptical about the true nature of these financial contributions. Investigators are delving into potential links to Pakistan and are scrutinising the bank accounts that received these funds. Currently, twelve bank accounts are under investigation, and there are ongoing efforts to trace the financial transactions of Maulvi Tafseerul’s family members and other relatives who might be implicated.
In a related development, Abdul Zaheer, who was interrogated by the IB, revealed that his brother in Odisha is allegedly involved in a separate fraudulent Aadhaar Card racket. This disclosure has prompted an expansion of the investigation to include these individuals and others linked to the madrasa who have travelled abroad over the past five years.
The madrasa’s connections to various states and possible ties to international terror networks are central to the investigation. Authorities are diligently working to unravel the complex web of financial transactions and associations associated with this case. The ongoing probe aims to uncover the full extent of the madrasa’s activities and its potential implications for national security.
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