Ranchi: In a shocking development reported from Godda district of Jharkhand, a school teacher has been alleged of showing sexual contents to girl students of a government school in Sangrampur village, triggering a major protest by parents/guardians of the girl students who confronted the school management on the issue on September 5.
The shocking incident has unfolded in a higher secondary school based at Sangrampur village under Vishwaskhani panchayat limits of Mahagama block where a school teacher identified as Anurul Hoda was alleged by the girl students for showing sexual content on his phone alongside initiating indecent talks.
The incident came to light after a few of the girl students narrated their ordeal to their parents triggering a major protest against the accused teacher, Anrul on the occasion of teacher’s day on Thursday, September 5.
As per the details, around a dozen parents reached the school premises and demanded strict action against the accused Anrul, who reportedly escaped from the spot after learning about the protest. It’s been reported that Anrul who is a resident of Sangrampur itself was troubling the girl students for two-three days.
Following protest by the guardians, the in-charge principle of the school has now reportedly tabled a detailed complaint of Anrul before the senior officials of the education department. Further he also has informed about the conduct of Anrul to the Block Education Extension Officer (BEEO).
The incident has also prompted reactions from the local public representatives who have warned for major protest if the concerned authorities fails to take strict action against the accused teacher.
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