In Shimla, a massive protest erupted outside the Sanjauli Masjid on September 5, with demonstrators alleging illegal mosque construction. The protest, which included locals, BJP party workers, and members of Hindu organisations, also expressed concerns about the influx of Rohingyas and Bangladeshis. Protesters claimed that the growing presence of these groups in the region was contributing to social unrest and demanded an investigation into their numbers and origins.
Many people, including local leaders, staged a protest march accusing the State Government and civic authorities of remaining silent on the ongoing construction activities at the site.
The groups have sought the demolition of the under-construction mosque after an attack on a businessman in the Malyana area. The attack was allegedly carried out by some members of the Muslim community. On September 1, dozens of people gathered in Sanjauli area and demanded the demolition of a mosque that they say is “illegal”. The demonstrators also demanded action against the guilty in the Malyana attack under the charge of attempted murder.
Protestors were seen raising slogans and holding tricolours in their hands against illegal construction. One of the protestors, Ankush Chauhan, who is also a BJP worker, demanded the demolition of the mosque and called it “illegal”.
“This mosque has been built illegally. The four floors of the mosque are illegal. If we construct anything illegally, it is immediately demolished. It has been 10 years, but no action has been taken on the mosque. This illegal mosque should be demolished,” said Ankush Chauhan.
He further said that the whole Hindu community is present in the protests. Chauhan said, “The entire Hindu, Sanatani community is protesting. It has nothing to do with BJP or Congress. Hindu Samaj is fighting against this. The reason behind the protests is that on the day before yesterday, some Muslim men attacked one of our Hindu brothers in which he sustained injuries and this protest is a result of that incident. An investigation should be done on the increasing number of Muslims in the state, whether they are Rohingyas or Bangladeshis.”
Kamal Gautam, President of the Hindu Jagran Manch’s Himachal unit, stated that their demands include the demolition of “illegal structures” used by outsiders for shelter and the abolition of the Waqf Board. He further called for the government to seize properties encroached upon by the Waqf Board.
Dev Bhumi Kshatriya Sangathan president Rumit Singh Thakur, who gave a call to “sanatanis” to assemble in Shimla, said people from across the state responded to his call and demonstrated “Sanatan unity”.
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