Uttar Pradesh has successfully conducted the largest police recruitment examination in history, a landmark achievement under the leadership of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. The exam, which saw participation from over 3.2 million candidates competing for 60,200 posts, was held smoothly and without incident, marking a significant victory for the Yogi government’s commitment to transparency and efficiency.
The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) managed the mammoth task of organising the exam across 1,174 centers in 67 districts over five days. The examination, held in two shifts from August 23 to 31, 2024, required an unprecedented level of coordination and security, which was delivered with exceptional precision.
In light of past challenges, including several instances of paper leaks in major exams since 2017, the state government left no stone unturned to ensure the integrity of this examination. Security at the exam centers was stringent, with 1,97,859 police personnel deployed, including 25 companies of the Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) and 8 companies of the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF).
Moreover, the exam’s transparency was bolstered by state-of-the-art technology. All 16,440 exam rooms were equipped with CCTV cameras monitored by artificial intelligence. This technological vigilance was complemented by on-ground efforts, including the deployment of 2,300 magistrates and over 1 lakh police personnel across the state.
To further ensure fairness, Aadhaar verification was mandatory for all candidates, with 85 per cent of candidates’ Aadhaar details confirmed. The remaining 15 per cent underwent additional eKYC verification at the exam centers. Data analysis was integral to the process, with candidate information being cross-verified within half an hour of each shift’s commencement. Any discrepancies were immediately flagged and addressed, leading to the arrest of individuals attempting to undermine the examination’s integrity.
The sheer scale of the exam was extraordinary, with 3.2 million candidates vying for more than 60,000 posts in the Uttar Pradesh Police. The government’s meticulous planning ensured that everything ran smoothly. To facilitate candidate participation, the Uttar Pradesh State Transport Corporation provided free bus services, including complimentary travel on electric buses in several districts.
The government’s efforts extended beyond just the logistical and security arrangements. CM Yogi Adityanath congratulated all stakeholders involved in the successful conduct of the exam, expressing his heartfelt thanks to the candidates, UPPRPB, district administrations, and state police for their roles in this achievement.
“Hearty congratulations to all the candidates for the fair, transparent, and peaceful completion of the written examination-2023 conducted for the selection of more than 60,200 posts of constable civil police,” CM Yogi Adityanath posted on X. “This will further enrich the model of security and good governance in Uttar Pradesh,” he added.
The successful execution of this examination is being hailed as a significant milestone, not just for Uttar Pradesh but for India as a whole. It sets a new benchmark in governance and security, demonstrating the effectiveness of the “Yogi Model” of administration.
Uttar Pradesh, previously plagued by multiple incidents of paper leaks and examination malpractices, has now showcased its ability to conduct large-scale recruitment processes with transparency and fairness. The government’s strict measures, including real-time monitoring, extensive security deployment, and advanced verification processes, have been instrumental in achieving this success.
The recruitment drive, which will see the induction of over 15,000 women among the 60,000 new police constables, is expected to significantly strengthen the state’s police force.
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