In a major announcement aimed at boosting trade and commerce in Madhya Pradesh, Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on August 24 declared plans to develop a new metropolitan city by merging parts of Indore with neighbouring districts. Speaking at the inaugural meeting of the Kabuli Chana Traders Association in Indore, Yadav highlighted the strategic importance of this move for the state’s future growth.
“The future of Madhya Pradesh is bright in terms of commerce and trade. Indore and Ujjain share a close connection. Parts of Indore, Ujjain, Dewas, and Dhar districts will be combined to form a metropolitan city,” Yadav announced, emphasising the interconnectedness of these areas and their potential for collaborative development.
Promoting Madhya Pradesh as a Business Destination
The Chief Minister, who has been on a tour of major cities to promote Madhya Pradesh as a business-friendly destination, also spoke about the success of the recent Industry Conclave organised by the state government in Coimbatore and Bengaluru. “The conclave has opened new avenues for investment in Madhya Pradesh. There is significant potential for food processing units in the state, and the government is making special efforts to establish new industries in this sector,” Yadav said. He encouraged young entrepreneurs to seize these opportunities and take the lead in setting up food processing units.
He further assured that the state government is committed to providing all possible assistance to industrialists and businessmen, addressing their concerns, and fostering a conducive environment for business growth. “For India to become a superpower, collective participation is a must,” Yadav stated, highlighting the government’s proactive measures to attract new businesses and investments in the state.
Focus on Kabuli Chana and Agricultural Reforms
Yadav also addressed the significance of kabuli chana (chickpea) exports from Indore, which are currently shipped to over 60 countries. “This is a matter of pride for us. Ensuring better prices for chickpeas and strengthening the economy is the government’s vision,” he remarked. He mentioned that the state government promptly addressed the issue of stock limits on kabuli chana, which had been brought to his attention by the Kabuli Chana Traders Association.
“The state government is committed to increasing farmers’ income. Compared to wheat, chana requires less irrigation and offers a higher yield. The Madhya Pradesh government is prioritising efforts to promote chickpea cultivation, and removing the stock limit on kabuli chana will benefit both farmers and traders,” Yadav added. He also acknowledged the central government’s decision to lift the stock limit on kabuli chana as a supportive move for the agricultural sector.
Traders Demand Reduction in Mandi Tax and Infrastructure Changes
During the event, the Kabuli Chana Traders Association urged the Chief Minister to reduce the 1.2% mandi tax levied by the state government, relocate the Chawni ‘anaj mandi’ (grain market) to the outskirts to alleviate traffic congestion and promote kabuli chana exports to enhance the growth of the pulses industry. Madhya Pradesh is recognised as a leading cultivator and exporter of kabuli chana in India.
“MP has the lion’s share in kabuli chana exports from India. We, as an industry, have urged the state government to reduce the mandi tax from 1.2 per cent to make the local industry more competitive. Several dal mills from Madhya Pradesh have relocated to other states due to high operating costs. Many other Indian states have abolished mandi tax, which has helped their businesses grow,” said Rajul Sarda, Secretary of the Kabuli Chana Traders Association.
The association noted that India exports over 1 lakh tonnes of kabuli chana annually, highlighting the significant role of Madhya Pradesh in this trade. The proposed metropolitan city, combined with supportive policies, could further enhance the state’s position in both national and international markets.
Government’s Commitment to Business Growth
Chief Minister Yadav reaffirmed the government’s dedication to fostering an environment conducive to business and trade, asserting that strategic initiatives like the creation of a metropolitan city and reforms in agricultural policies would lay the foundation for a prosperous future for Madhya Pradesh.
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