In another apparent attempt to curb free speech, the West Bengal Police have allegedly blocked the mobile number of a journalist known for his vocal criticism of the state government, particularly since the rape and murder of a doctor at RG Kar Medical College. This action follows a series of similar moves, including filing numerous cases against citizens, transferring government employees, and deploying water cannons on peaceful protesters.
The journalist at the centre of this controversy is Abhijit Majumder, the co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Earshot and a regular contributor to multiple media outlets. Majumder is recognised for his sharp tone on social media and for consistently questioning the Mamata Banerjee government on various issues, including post-poll violence, the Sandeshkhali incident, and the recent doctor’s rape and murder.
On August 30, Majumder took to X (formerly Twitter) to announce that his phone number had been blocked by the West Bengal government. He wrote, “My phone has been blocked. Called Airtel. It has been blocked by apparently cyber police, West Bengal. How is this even legal?”
Majumder also shared an audio clip of his conversation with an Airtel customer service executive, stating, “So, the police of #MamataBanerjee have blocked my phone number. I was talking too much about #KolkataDoctorDeath. They think they will silence me 🙂 Called Airtel, this is what they said.”
In the call recording, the executive informs Majumder that his number was blocked following a complaint by the West Bengal Police, not by Airtel. The executive explained, “It has been written that some fraud activities were being done from this number, and hence it has been blocked.” Majumder repeatedly questioned how Airtel could allow a state government to take such an action against an individual without central oversight, but the executive insisted that it was beyond their control.
Free Speech in Mamata’s Bengal!
This incident is not isolated. Since August 15, the Kolkata Police launched an extensive “crackdown” on individuals posting about the brutal rape and murder of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Medical College. In their effort to counter what they label as “misinformation,” the police filed 10 FIRs, initiated cases against 35 people, and issued notices to over 300 others. The charges range from criminal conspiracy to violations under the IT Act and other cognisable offences. Those targeted include journalists, politicians, doctors, and social media users accused of spreading false information, misleading videos, and voice notes.
Among those who have faced police action is author and activist Shefali Vaidya, who received a notice for questioning the police’s inaction and the perceived lawlessness under the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) government.
A senior officer of the Kolkata Police has noted that the number of FIRs and cases is expected to increase as more notices are issued and legal actions are taken. The officer emphasised, “The spread of ‘lies and distortions of facts’ can have devastating consequences for both justice and social harmony.”
In a similar move, the West Bengal government issued a series of transfer orders affecting faculty members across various medical colleges, a decision that has sparked significant controversy. These transfers are believed to be linked to the ongoing protests and calls for justice following the trainee doctor’s murder. According to official notifications dated August 16, 2024, several key appointments and transfers were made within the West Bengal Medical Education Service (WB-MES).
A trainee doctor who posted about the threats she and her family received for sharing details about the case also alleged that police forced her to delete certain posts.
On August 18, 2024, Kolkata witnessed a rare alliance as football fans from rival teams Mohun Bagan and East Bengal set aside their differences to protest against the brutal murder. The protest led to several arrests after police intervened, citing concerns over potential violence.
The following day, a second-year B.Com student was arrested for allegedly posting a provocative message on social media targeting Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. The student now faces charges under several sections of the Bengal National Security Statute (BNSS), including those related to inciting hatred, provoking a breach of peace, and insulting modesty.
In a similar attempt, police summoned two prominent doctors and a senior BJP leader for questioning. Former BJP MP Locket Chatterjee, along with renowned doctors Dr. Kunal Sarkar and Dr. Subarna Goswami, under changed of of spreading rumours and revealing sensitive details about the victim.
RG Kar Medica College rape-murder case
The post-mortem report of the 32-year-old trainee doctor revealed that she was brutally tortured before being suffocated to death. The four-page report detailed “perverted sexuality” and “genital torture,” noting severe injuries to her private parts and a fractured thyroid cartilage. The rape and murder are believed to have occurred between 3 and 5 am on August 9. The report also mentioned cuts on her hands and face, and shards of glass from her broken spectacles were found in her eyes.
The autopsy confirmed sexual assault and a civic volunteer named Sanjoy Roy has been arrested after confessing to the crime. The case is now under investigation by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
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