Veteran environmentalist and ecologist Madhav Gadgil stated that landslides in the Western Ghats have doubled. These incidents are not limited to Kerala but also affect various regions, including Maharashtra. He described the recent events in Wayanad as a man-made disaster.
Madhav Gadgil criticised the Kerala Government for its failure to effectively implement schemes despite receiving proper warnings. He pointed out that documents submitted by the Union Government to Parliament and other forums reveal that two-thirds of landslides occur in Kerala. There are widespread concerns that Kerala is not taking sufficient measures to protect these vulnerable areas. Gadgil also noted that Kerala is leading efforts to remove the Western Ghats from the list of ecologically sensitive regions.
Meanwhile, the Indian Landslide Susceptibility Map (ILSM), prepared by the HydroSense Lab of IIT, New Delhi, says that even though all districts of Kerala with proximity to the Western Ghats are prone to landslides, its intensity is higher in Idukki and northern districts. Alappuzha is the only landslide-free district in Kerala. Kasargod, Kannur and Kozhikode districts are landslide-prone. Their coastal sectors are the only exceptions. Almost the entire Wayanad and Idukki districts are landslide-prone. The hill slopes of Malappuram and Palakkad are in danger of landslides.
Changes in ecological conditions, slope, soil composition, and rainfall volumes all contribute to landslides. The entire Western Ghats region, stretching from Thiruvananthapuram to Gujarat, is susceptible to such events.
The study delivers a crucial warning. We can expect more disasters like Wayanad if we fail to heed scientific advice in both letter and spirit.