BENGALURU: Amid a brewing political storm in Karnataka, after the prosecution order issued by the Governor against Chief Minister Siddaramaiah a fresh complaint was filed against Siddaramaiah to the state governor. The Chief Minister, who promptly challenged the prosecution in the High Court, has secured temporary relief, but the tension continues to escalate. Adding fuel to the fire, another serious complaint has been lodged with the Governor against Siddaramaiah, accusing him of financial mismanagement involving Rs 1,494 crore.
The latest complaint against CM Siddaramaiah stems from an accusation by Arun, a BJP member of the Karnataka Legislative Council, who has raised concerns about the misappropriation of Rs 1,494 crore in funds earmarked for District and Taluk Panchayats. Arun alleges that this significant sum of money is unaccounted for and has seemingly vanished from the state treasury. Despite formal inquiries made to the state government, no satisfactory explanation has been provided regarding the whereabouts of these funds.
Arun further explained that the funds were available during the BJP’s tenure in 2022-23, with Rs 1,953 crore allocated for district and taluk-level projects. He questioned the remaining Rs 1,494 crore, which he claims should have been transferred to the accumulated fund. Instead, the funds appear to have been used without the necessary consent from the MLAs, prompting Arun to file a formal complaint with the Governor, demanding a thorough investigation into the matter.
The prosecution order and the ensuing allegations have not only ignited a war of words but have also led to significant political maneuvers. During a recent cabinet meeting on August 22, CM Siddaramaiah reportedly discussed strategies to counter what he perceives as politically motivated attacks. He has garnered support from his cabinet colleagues, who have suggested taking the matter up with the President of India, and even proposed organizing a public demonstration if necessary. In light of these developments, Siddaramaiah has now traveled to Delhi to consult with the Congress High Command.
Amid escalated political storm , controversy comes amid another heated dispute involving Siddaramaiah and former Chief Minister and Union Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy, centered around the Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA) land allocation scandal. Kumaraswamy has taken to social media to accuse Siddaramaiah of being dishonest about his and his family’s involvement in the allocation of MUDA land.
HD Kumaraswamy has accused CM Siddaramaiah of lying about his family’s involvement in the MUDA land allocations, sharing documents that he claims prove otherwise. In a series of pointed posts on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), Kumaraswamy mocked Siddaramaiah’s legal acumen and challenged him to read the documents carefully.
“Dear CM Siddaramaiah, as someone who claims to be a lawyer, you should be able to understand these documents. Despite your denial, the records clearly show that your government insisted on a 50:50 land allocation ratio in the MUDA case,” Kumaraswamy wrote. He further questioned why MUDA officials would act on their own in such a significant matter, insinuating that Siddaramaiah was directly involved during his previous term as Chief Minister.
In response to these mounting challenges, the Karnataka State Cabinet held a meeting on Thursday, where they discussed advising the Governor to expedite the prosecution process related to allegations against leaders of the BJP-JDS alliance, including Kumaraswamy. This move is seen as a countermeasure by the Congress-led government to shift the focus and pressure onto their political rivals.
Meanwhile, Siddaramaiah, along with Deputy Chief Minister D.K. Shivakumar and other senior Congress leaders, has traveled to Delhi to meet with the party’s High Command. This meeting is expected to focus on strategizing the party’s next steps in light of the ongoing controversies and to seek guidance on how to navigate the current political turmoil.
The unfolding conflict between Karnataka’s Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and the Governor over the prosecution order has intensified the political climate in the state. With new allegations of financial mismanagement and a fierce exchange of accusations between Siddaramaiah and Kumaraswamy, Karnataka’s political landscape is increasingly fraught with tension. As both sides dig in, the coming days are likely to see further developments that could have significant implications for the state’s governance and the upcoming elections.
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