With Krishna Janmashtami approaching on August 26, the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) orchestrated a grand celebration at Devraha Baba Ghat along the River Yamuna in Vrindavan. The highlight of the event was a mesmerising ‘Deep Daan’ ceremony, where 5251 lamps were lit in reverence to the beloved deity.
At this time, the Mandirs of Vrindavan are busy preparing for the Krishna Janmashtami. Janmashtami festival will be celebrated on August 26 and August 27. A special program will be organised at Thakur Banke Bihari Mandir at midnight.
All the Mandirs and shrines of Vrindavan are busy day and night in preparations to celebrate the Janmashtami of Bhagwan Sri Krishna grandly. This time, the Janmashtami festival is being celebrated for two days on August 26 and August 27, and religious-cultural programs will be organised at many places.
Thakur Banke Bihari Mandir Sevayat Historian Acharya Prahlad Ballabh Goswami said that on the night of Krishna Janmashtami at 12 o’clock, the divine Mahabhishek of Banke Bihari Maharaj would be performed by the sevayats inside the Mandir sanctum sanctorum under cover of the curtain with milk, curd, ghee, honey, sugar, perfume, Yamuna water, rose water, kewda and other substances. After this, the special Mangala Aarti, which happens only once a year, will be performed at 1:55, ten minutes after the darshan opens at around 1:45 pm.
The ancient Mandirs and shrines, including Madan Mohan Mandir, Radha Shyamsundar Mandir, Swami Haridas Mandir, Radhavallabh Mandir, Yugalkishore Mandir, Radharaman Mandir, Ranganath Mandir, Shahbihari Mandir, Radha Gopinath Mandir, Radha Damodar Mandir, Shatbhuj Mahaprabhu Mandir are all preparing with great enthusiasm to celebrate the Janmashtami festival.
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