Bengaluru: Karnataka state assembly deputy Leader of the Opposition, Arvind Bellad, has launched a scathing attack on the Congress government, accusing it of deliberately sidelining the development of Hindu religious tourist sites in Karnataka. Bellad claimed that the current government, led by Congress, has issued orders to the Tourism Department to halt the development of religious tourist sites, a move that he believes is an attempt to appease the Muslim community at the expense of Hindus.
Bellad emphasized the importance of religious tourism in India, noting that it has been an integral part of the country’s culture and heritage for centuries. “In our country, pilgrimages hold a special place. Traveling to religious sites is a tradition that is deeply rooted in our history. For most people, travel means visiting these sacred places. Approximately 95% of tourists in India visit religious sites. These locations must be developed and maintained,” he stated.
He further criticised the Congress government for its recent directive, which he claimed specifically targets Hindu temples by ordering the Tourism Department not to develop these sites as tourist destinations. “This circular has hurt the sentiments of Hindus across the state. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and Tourism Minister H. K. Patil are responsible for this decision, and it must be revoked immediately. If the government does not withdraw this order, we will mobilize Hindus across the state to protest. Why should the government prioritize the appeasement of Muslims by allocating thousands of crores, but neglect Hindus? Why is the ongoing development work by the Tourism Department being stopped?” Bellad demanded.
He pointed out that the government’s order, detailed in Annexure-3, suggests that it is not reasonable to undertake basic development works of temples under the Department of Tourism since grants are provided under the Mujarai Department for these purposes. The directive has reportedly resulted in the approval of only minor works, such as pilgrim accommodations, under the proposed audits, which has led to a lack of sufficient funds for more significant projects.
Bellad also criticised the government’s stance that there is no provision in the rules for releasing grants for works carried out on private land or within private institutions. The administration department has been instructed to review such works and halt them immediately.
In a related issue, Bellad addressed the controversy surrounding the alleged tampering of documents in the Muda case. He claimed that as soon as the issue came to light, Minister Bhairati Suresh traveled to Mysore and tampered with the records. “Two individuals from the record office and the media have revealed that whitener was used on these documents, which is highly suspicious. I have full confidence that the court will support the Governor’s stance on this matter on August 29. The Governor has rightfully ordered an investigation based on the complaint. The Chief Minister has no right to obstruct this investigation. The CM has no other option but to resign,” Bellad asserted.
Regarding the issue of seeking permission for prosecution against former Chief Minister H. D. Kumaraswamy, Bellad expressed his support for an investigation into any alleged scandals. “If there are allegations, they must be investigated. Who is to say that an investigation should not be conducted?” he questioned.
Bellad’s statements reflect the growing tension between the opposition and the Congress government in Karnataka, particularly over issues related to religious and cultural identity, and the handling of corruption allegations. The coming days are likely to see heightened political activity and potential protests as these issues continue to unfold.
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