Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma announced that the Assam government will present a bill in the Autumn Session of Assembly that will make registering Muslim marriages and divorces in the sub register office compulsory. At a news conference following a cabinet meeting, CM Sarma stated that the government would present the Assam Compulsory Registration of Muslim Marriages and Divorce Bill, 2024, during the session. The autumn session of the Assam. The assembly starts on 22nd August.
“In the past, Kazis recorded Muslim marriages. But this new bill will ensure that every marriage in the community is officially recorded with the government,” he continued. CM Sarma further stated that before the proposed bill, minor marriages were also registered by the Kazis; however, this will no longer be permitted. “Minor marriage registration won’t take place going forward. Child marriage is a threat that we wish to eradicate. Thus, he continued, quoting cabinet decisions, “the marriages will be registered at the Sub-Registrar’s Office.”
CM Sarma stated that the only thing regulated is the Kazis’ registration; there will be no restrictions on the Muslim customs observed during marriage ceremonies.
Moreover, the Assam government will introduce a bill in the current session of the assembly which will restrict the sale and buying of land in the 5-kilometre radius of the religious heritage site Batadrava Satra (birthplace of Guru Shankardev), Barpeta Satra ( one of the prestigious and oldest Vaishnavite Satra) and Majuli river island. Only third-
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