Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw in a strong appeal to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, asked the State Government to expedite the process of land acquisition necessary for the timely execution of crucial railway projects across Tamil Nadu. In his statement, he highlighted the unprecedented financial support provided by the NDA Government for the state’s railway infrastructure, while also expressing concerns about delays caused by the slow pace of land acquisition.
The Union Minister emphasised that the NDA Government has allocated a record Rs 6,362 crore for the development of railways in Tamil Nadu for the fiscal year 2024-25. This marks a significant increase from previous years and is over seven times the average annual allocation during the UPA era, which stood at a mere Rs 879 crore. Ashwini Vaishnaw pointed out that this substantial allocation reflects the Union Government’s commitment to enhancing rail connectivity and infrastructure in Tamil Nadu, a state that plays a pivotal role in the nation’s economic landscape.
“This amount is more than seven times the average allocation done during the UPA era. It demonstrates our dedication to developing Tamil Nadu’s railway infrastructure to meet the growing demands of the region,” Ashwini Vaishnaw stated.
Despite the record-breaking allocation, he expressed concern over the slow progress of land acquisition in Tamil Nadu, which is essential for the execution of various railway projects. The minister revealed that out of the 2,749 hectares of land required for these projects, only 807 hectares have been acquired so far. This significant shortfall is threatening to delay several key projects that are vital for the state’s infrastructure development.
“In our constitutional structure, land is a state subject. The success of these projects hinges on the state government’s ability to expedite land acquisition. Without this critical support, our efforts may fall short,” Ashwini Vaishnaw wrote to CM Stalin.
Ashwini Vaishnaw assured MK Stalin that the Union Government is fully committed to the state’s development and is willing to work closely with the Tamil Nadu government to overcome any obstacles. “We seek your intervention in land acquisition. From our side, we promise that if you take one step, we will take two steps for the development of railways in Tamil Nadu,” Vaishnaw added, signaling a readiness for cooperative action to ensure the success of these projects.
Ashwini Vaishnaw’s appeal comes in response to concerns raised by Chief Minister Stalin regarding the reduction in funds for certain railway projects in Tamil Nadu as per the 2024-25 budget. The Chief Minister had expressed deep concern over a Rs 674.8 crore reduction for new line projects and a Rs 285.64 crore cut for doubling projects within Southern Railways. Stalin warned that these cuts could severely impact vital projects, potentially leading to significant delays in their completion.
In his statement, Stalin asked Vaishnaw to reconsider these reductions and ensure adequate funding is allocated to prevent any adverse effects on the state’s railway infrastructure development. “The reduction of Rs 674.8 crore for new line projects and Rs 285.64 crore for doubling projects in Southern Railways will severely impact vital projects in Tamil Nadu. I urge your immediate intervention to ensure adequate funds and prevent delays in these crucial developments,” Stalin stated.