Host of Chintan Shivirs held at Government, corporate, social and institutional levels have brainstormed on how to efficiently achieve these goals. The single most important factor that emerged is creating a sense of security to facilitate the economic goals of wealth creation and rising per capita income. Strict rule of law with strong institutions to defend internal security are essential for achieving the goal of development. Enterprise and business can only flourish in an environment of national security. In the Mahabharata, it has been stated that a man should first choose his king and only after that his wife and economic pursuits. For what use is his family and wealth if he cannot keep his family safe and protect his wealth?
Ensuring life, safety and well being of praja is the primary job of the king.
If violence, terrorism, crime threaten none of the four pursuits of life then Dharma, Arth, Kam and Moksha are possible in an ecosystem of internal security.
The Committee on Centre–State Relations has defined internal security as: “Security against threats faced by a country within its national borders, either caused by inner political turmoil, or provoked, prompted or proxied by an enemy country, perpetrated even by such groups that use a failed, failing or weak state, causing insurgency, terrorism or any other subversive acts that target innocent citizens, cause animosity between and amongst groups of citizens and communities intended to cause or causing violence, destroy or attempt to destroy public and private establishment”.
With their cushy lives generously backed by CIA funded international NGOs like Rockfeller Foundation, Ford Foundation and Soros, Urban Naxals have been waging a war against Bharat
The security environment in Bharat is complex due to large sectarian population and intellectual and social interference from abroad on our culture, ethos, value system and our governance. The Urban Naxals in India, with their cushy lives generously backed by CIA funded international NGOs like Rockfeller Foundation, Ford Foundation and Soros etc have been waging a war of Left liberal ideas spreading fake narratives with post truths, skulduggery, deviousness. The myopic politicians have used it for electoral gains as they see people only as a vote bank and are not concerned with security and sovereignty of a nation nor with development of Bharat.
Modus Operandi of Urban Naxals
There is no mainstream body politic to counter the narratives set by Urban Naxals, no Think Tanks to expose their lies and post truths. In the absence of a loud and coherent majority counter to their chicanery, divisive, fissiparous actions have resulted in destructive and disastrous consequences for our internal security. While Urban Naxals pose to be progressive, they selectively support retrograde causes like Hijab, non scientific education being provided in Madrasas and many social ills to keep large sections of the community backward.
The overt intentions and actions of Urban Naxals are couched in the garb of noble, helping the poor, the downtrodden, the vulnerable, the environment kind of jargon even as their actions are aimed at perpetuating that very poverty. It is this keeping people poor and backward that funds their royal and elitist lifestyles.
Urban Naxals endanger the lives, safety and well being of hapless citizens in far flung areas of the country. They build powerful lobbies to influence Governments, Institutions, Oppositions, enrage masses as recently seen in Bangladesh and Shaheen Bagh etc. This sabotages internal security, safety and well being of the common man.
Another modus operandi of Urban Naxals is to create an adverse international opinion against Bharat by selective exaggerated reporting and editorialising. Also the Global ratings are manipulated against Bharat, for example Global Peace.
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