A newly constructed Dharmashree Bhawan, the regional office of the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) in Shankarpur, Bangaluru was inaugurated on August 11. The ceremony commenced with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar laying flowers on the portrait of Mother India, marking the formal opening of the office. The event witnessed the presence of VHP International Working President Alok Kumar and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale.
Addressing the gathering, RSS Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale called upon Hindus worldwide to unite against the rising atrocities faced by Hindu minorities in various parts of the world. He emphasised the increasing human rights violations against Hindus, particularly in neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, and urged the community to raise their voices against such injustices.
“Hindus are a peace-loving community, but wherever they are in the minority, they are being harassed. The number of cases of human rights violations against this community is on the rise. Without wasting time, we must raise our voices against such atrocities,” Hosabale stated.
He warned that such efforts to increase population through conversions would not sustain in the long run.
Dattatreya Hosabale further said that, “we had to work hard to make them realise what was happening in this country. Once they are awakened, we could achieve what at one time was felt as impossible. Issues such as Ayodhya and Kashmir are resolved. In the same way, we need to be united and raise our voices wherever injustice is happening in the world”.
“If Hindu religion gets weakened, there will be no peace in the world. Hindus must have continuous dialogues with Jains, Buddhists, and Sikhs to protect the Hindu culture across the world,” he added.
VHP International President Alok Kumar also urged the Indian Government to take decisive action to protect minority communities in Bangladesh. He warned of potential infiltration and called for strict border vigilance and international efforts to safeguard human rights in the region.
It is to be noted that, former RSS General Secretary Suresh Bhaiyyaji Joshi had also voiced his concern over the escalating violence, calling for immediate intervention to protect the persecuted Hindu population in Bangladesh.
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