In a shocking incident, a 15-year-old schoolgirl has become the latest victim of a severe crime in Bengaluru, where a purportedly young man, known to flaunt his bravado on social media, has been accused of preying on several schoolgirls under the guise of love. The accused, identified as Saad Musaibna, allegedly lured not only the victim in question but also at least 4-5 others, exploiting their trust and innocence in a disturbing pattern of manipulation and abuse.
The situation unfolded dramatically when the girl’s father rushed her to the hospital, concerned about her persistent stomach pain on August 3. To his utter disbelief, medical examinations revealed that his daughter was seven months pregnant. The revelation prompted a desperate plea for justice as the father sought answers, leading to the disclosure of how his daughter fell victim to Saad, who had successfully misled her into believing his affections were genuine.
During a recent interview, the distraught father recounted the events leading up to his daughter’s hospitalisation. “We had no idea this was happening. She seemed happy, but we had no clue that someone was hurting her,” he lamented. After learning of his daughter’s pregnancy, he confronted her, which led to the shocking admission that Saad had introduced himself to her as a loving suitor, then subsequently exploited her while promising a future together. He reportedly took the girl to his home, where she was assaulted multiple times in the absence of his family members.
The situation escalated when the father’s inquiries into the matter were met with threats from the accused. Allegations state that the accused, in addition to the sexual exploitation, went as far as to intimidate the girl’s family, asserting his control through fear. Struggling with her mental anguish, the girl contemplated suicide, prompting her parents to intervene and seek professional help, a decision that ultimately saved her life.
Following the initial report, the girl’s father bravely stepped forward, not just for his daughter. He firmly asserted, “Saad has harmed many young girls, and it’s time they find the courage to stand together.” The family’s brave stance led to filing a complaint at the DJ Halli police station, where an FIR was finally registered despite initial reluctance from law enforcement to take action.
It is said that the accused’s mother took to social media to proclaim her son’s innocence, labelling him as a “hero” while simultaneously alleging threats to their safety.
Evidence gathered by authorities has included photographs of Saad posing provocatively with a dragger, which surfaced during celebrations. Such revelations have prompted severe scrutiny from the community and law enforcement. The police have registered the case under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, securing Saad’s arrest and commencing detailed interrogations.
“Soon after receiving the complaint, we booked the case against the accused under POCSO and produced him before the ACMM court on August 5,” DJ Halli police inspector Sunil Kumar told the Organiser. He added that the court remanded him to judicial custody for 14 days.
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