During the ongoing rescue operations in Wayanad after the devastating landslides, a third-grade student wrote a touching note to the Indian Army, thanking them for their efforts in saving people from the debris and expressing his dream to “join the army one day” to serve and protect the nation.
In his letter, Rayan, a Class 3 student from AMLP School, said, “My beloved Wayanad was struck by a massive landslide, creating havoc and destruction. I felt proud and happy to see you rescuing people who were stuck under debris. I just saw the video in which you were having biscuits to sate your hunger and building a bridge. That sight moved me deeply, and I aspire to join the Indian Army one day and protect my nation.”
“I just saw the video in which you were having biscuits to sate your hunger and building a bridge. That sight moved me deeply, and I aspire to join the Indian Army one day and protect my nation,” he wrote.
The Southern Command of the Indian Army responded to Rayan’s heartfelt words in a post on X (formerly Twitter).
The Indian Army responded to Rayan’s letter: “Your heartfelt words have deeply touched us. In times of adversity, we aim to be a beacon of hope, and your letter reaffirms this mission. Heroes like you inspire us to give our utmost. We eagerly await the day you don the uniform and stand alongside us. Together, we will make our nation proud,” the Army wrote back.
The landslides that struck Chooralmala and Mundakkai in Wayanad on July 30 have claimed 387 lives so far. The rescue operation, involving over 1,500 personnel from the three defence forces, NDRF, SDRF, police, fire service, and volunteers, commenced early on Monday in the four most affected areas: Chooralmala, Vellarimala, Mundakayam, and Punchiri Padam.
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