In a series of controversial statements that have rocked Tamil Nadu’s political landscape, Transport Minister S S Sivasankar’s recent remarks questioning the existence of Bhagwan Ram have sparked a heated debate. This controversy follows comments made a week earlier by Tamil Nadu Law Minister S Raghupathy, who praised Bhagwan Ram as a precursor to the Dravidian model of governance.
Contrasting Views within the DMK
On July 22, at an event organised by Kamban Kazhagam, Minister Raghupathy lauded Bhagwan Ram as a “protector of social justice.” He stated, “Before Periyar, Annadurai, Chief Minister MK Stalin, and former Chief Minister Kalaignar (M. Karunanidhi), it was Ram who took forward the Dravidian model. Ram was the only hero who preached secularism and social justice to the world. The Dravidian model of Chief Minister Stalin is akin to that of Ram Rajya.” This endorsement of Bhagwan Ram’s values was a significant departure from traditional Dravidian rhetoric, which often questioned the historicity of the epic hero.
In stark contrast, during the birth anniversary celebrations of Chola emperor Rajendra Chola I at Gangaikonda Cholapuram in Ariyalur district, Minister Sivasankar dismissed the existence of Bhagwan Ram, stating, “There is no historical evidence that Bhagwan Ram ever existed. Such narratives are constructed to obscure and erase our history.” He was responding to comments by DMK MLA K. Chinnappa, who referenced the Ram temple in Ayodhya and claimed Ram lived 3000 years ago.
Public Reaction and Political Fallout
These conflicting statements have caused a stir among the public and within the political sphere. Tamil Nadu BJP state chief Annamalai in a post over X has stated, “DMK’s sudden obsession with Bhagwan Shri Ram is truly a sight to behold — who would’ve thought? Just last week, DMK’s Law Minister Thiru Raghupathy avl declared that Bhagwan Shri Ram was the ultimate champion of social justice, the pioneer of secularism, and the one who proclaimed equality for all.”
Annamalai further added, “Fast forward to today, and we have the scam-tainted DMK Transport Minister, Thiru Shiva Shankar, boldly asserting that Bhagwan Ram never existed, claiming it’s all a ploy to erase the Cholan history. Isn’t it fascinating how quickly DMK leaders’ memories fade? Weren’t they the same folks who opposed our Hon PM Thiru @narendramodi avl for installing the Chola Dynasty Sengol in the new Parliament Complex?”
The controversy has also reignited old wounds within the DMK regarding their stance on Bhagwan Ram. Historical remarks by late DMK president M. Karunanidhi, who famously questioned Ram’s engineering credentials, and other leaders who have dismissed Ram as a mythological figure, were brought back into the spotlight.
History of Controversial Statements
This incident is not isolated. In September last year, DMK Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Udayanidhi Stalin compared Sanatan Dharma to diseases like malaria and dengue, suggesting it should be eradicated. Similarly, DMK MP A. Raja has previously rejected Jai Shri Ram slogans and criticised the Ramayana.
In January of the previous year, CPM MLA V.P. Nagai Maali, while supporting the Sethu Samudram project, dismissed Bhagwan Ram as a fictional character, accusing the NDA of using mythological narratives to stall the project.
The diverging views within the DMK regarding Bhagwan Ram reflect broader tensions between historical and mythological interpretations in Indian politics. As the debate continues, it remains to be seen how these statements will impact the party’s image and its relationship with the electorate in Tamil Nadu.
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