In the Dhing region of Nagaon district, an Islamist spray gang raped numerous women and robbed several residences, setting off sensational episodes across Assam. The event unfolded late on July 24 when the gang violently raped a 60-year-old widow and pillaged her home. These assaults occurred in other Hindu communities within the vicinity, but local police ignored the victims’ repeated accusations.
According to the locals, the spray group raped several women and stole more than twenty households. At night, the gang breaks into the victims’ home, sprays them with chemicals, and renders them unconscious. The group then rapes the women living there after robbing the home of its belongings.
On the night of the 24th, an Islamist group broke into the 60-year-old woman’s home, rendered her unconscious, and sexually assaulted her. When her neighbour found her in the morning, she was brought to the Nagaon Civil Hospital. The victim’s situation is still quite serious.
The old woman had been raped by gangs, according to police sources. Following the horrific event, the community organised protests calling for the gang’s quick arrest.
Locals accused police of ignoring the serious crime in the interim. The government acted quickly, moving the Dhing police station officer and reserving the second officer’s position. It was instructed that the Nagaon district SP personally oversee the case.
On July 26, Nagaon police made a huge breakthrough when they successfully detained four members of the “Spray Gang,” a gang known for raping women and pillaging homes in various parts of the district’s Dhing town.
The gang members Muksidul Islam, Azizul, Abul Kasem, and Abul Kalam were identified as those who had been arrested by police. The operation, which was carried out at the gang’s hideout in the Patia Pathar neighbourhood, was reportedly carried out based on information inputs that demonstrated the police’s efficacy in combating organised crime.
The people who were arrested were found to have been involved in multiple dacoity-related occurrences in the past, which constituted a significant risk to public safety. A senior police officer in the district stated, “The arrests send a strong message to criminals that Nagaon police are determined to maintain law and order, making the district a safer place for its residents.”
“We have taken four people into custody so far. The officer went on, “The search is underway to capture the other members of the gang as well. It should be noted that the locals claim that Islamist gangs are deliberately attacking Hindu villages in Assamese to drive out the Hindu population and force them to sell their land. The goal of the Islamist gangs’ ongoing attacks on Hindu villages is to coerce them into considering selling their homes.
The Hindu community will be compelled to leave the area after several months of these kinds of unrelenting attacks, at which point Islamists will grab their property and land. It should be noted that Islamist gangs had carried out similar coordinated attacks on Assamese Hindu communities in Barpeta and Gossaigaon following the Lok Sabha election of 2024.
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