Lucknow: In the wake of a tragic stampede at a religious gathering in Hathras that claimed the lives of 121 individuals, the Uttar Pradesh Police has taken proactive measures to prevent such incidents in the future. The police force has introduced a comprehensive Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) focusing on crowd and police management during large events.
The SOP encompasses four key areas: continuous action to address crowd-related disasters, advance preparations for events, emergency protocols during stampedes, and overall event management. By covering these crucial aspects, the UP Police aims to enhance crowd safety and prevent any further mishaps.
One of the key provisions outlined in the SOP is the appointment of a Gazetted officer or local magistrate as the event in-charge. This designated individual will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of the event and ensuring proper coordination among the authorities. Additionally, the SOP emphasizes the importance of comprehensive briefings for all police, Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC), Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF), and fire officers on duty. This ensures that every member of the security team is well-informed and prepared to handle any situation that may arise.
To optimise coordination and communication, the deployed forces will utilise public address systems, loudspeakers, and other communication tools. This enables efficient deployment and response during critical moments. The SOP also emphasizes the need for adequate fire-fighting arrangements to be in place at event venues. Vigilance will be maintained to identify and monitor rumor mongers and anti-social elements, ensuring a peaceful and safe environment for all attendees.
Click here to download the SOP of UP Police
Furthermore, the SOP emphasises the importance of effective crowd control measures. The control of people and vehicles will be managed in accordance with a Crowd Control Plan, which includes provisions for transportation and parking arrangements.
In an effort to combat the spread of misinformation, the police have been directed to monitor social media platforms closely. The District Information System, Social Media Cell, and Control Room will work in tandem to identify individuals spreading rumors. Legal action will be taken against those found responsible, sending a strong message that spreading false information will not be tolerated.
The SOP mandates the monitoring of CCTV cameras installed at the venue. This will enable real-time surveillance and prompt action in case of any untoward incidents. Furthermore, the operational control and command center will be activated, ensuring effective coordination and swift response to emergencies. Contingency arrangements will also be put in place to address unforeseen situations.
The SOP emphasises the importance of immediate medical care in the event of emergencies or stampedes. It calls for seamless coordination with the medical department, arranging a sufficient number of ambulances to swiftly transport victims to nearby hospitals. Green corridors will be prepared to facilitate the smooth movement of ambulances, and all necessary medical arrangements will be made to ensure timely and effective care for the injured.
To ensure preparedness for crisis situations, the SOP recommends regular rehearsals involving all departments responsible for crisis management. This will help in refining response mechanisms and streamlining coordination efforts. Additionally, the SOP underscores the need for periodic updates and upgrades to the plan, considering local conditions and evolving requirements.
Under the section of “advance preparation,” the SOP highlights the importance of thorough venue inspections. Senior officials, local magistrates, and relevant departmental officials will conduct these inspections to identify and mitigate potential risks. The officers responsible for granting permissions and the police force will ensure the absence of any hazards at the venue. Well-organised and secure barricading will be implemented, prioritising visitor safety. Adequate resources, including police forces, Gazetted officers, and effective traffic management, will be allocated based on a reasonable demand assessment.