As part of an ongoing initiative to uphold India’s traditions and democratic principles, President Droupadi Murmu has decided to rename ‘Durbar Hall’ and ‘Ashok Hall’ in Rashtrapati Bhavan. The new names, ‘Ganatantra Mandap’ and ‘Ashok Mandap’, respectively, have been chosen to better align with Indian cultural values and ethos.
Rashtrapati Bhavan, the official residence and office of the President of India, stands as a symbol of the nation and a heritage site of immense value to the Indian people. Consistent efforts are being made to make this historic site more accessible and reflective of India’s rich cultural heritage.
Renaming Durbar Hall
The newly named ‘Ganatantra Mandap’ has been a venue for many significant ceremonies and celebrations, such as the presentation of National Awards. Historically, the term ‘Durbar’ referred to the courts and assemblies of Indian rulers and British colonial administrators. With India’s transition to a republic, the term ‘Durbar’ became less relevant. The concept of ‘Ganatantra’, meaning republic, has deep roots in Indian society since ancient times, making ‘Ganatantra Mandap’ a fitting name for the venue that now symbolizes democratic values and the spirit of the republic.
Renaming Ashok Hall
‘Ashok Hall’, originally designed as a ballroom, will now be called ‘Ashok Mandap’. The name ‘Ashok’ holds multiple significant meanings in Indian culture. It connotes someone who is “free from all sufferings” or “bereft of any sorrow”. The term ‘Ashoka’ also refers to Emperor Ashok, a historical figure emblematic of unity and peaceful coexistence. The lion capital of Ashok from Sarnath serves as the National Emblem of the Republic of India. Additionally, the Ashok tree holds deep significance in Indian religious traditions, arts, and culture.