In a dramatic turn of events, Lokayukta officials raided the residence of the Deputy Controller of the Legal Measurement Department Ahthar Ali in HRBR Layout of Kalyan Nagar Bengaluru, Karnataka. During the raid, officials discovered substantial amounts of money, gold ornaments, and silver items allegedly thrown into a neighbouring house in a desperate attempt to evade detection.
As Lokayukta officials searched, Ali reportedly attempted to dispose of evidence by throwing bags filled with valuables into the neighbouring property. However, the activity’s noise attracted the attention of the Lokayukta team, which promptly investigated and recovered the bags.
Officials found a significant stash inside the bags, including diamond necklaces, gold jeweler, silverware, expensive watches, and large sums of cash. The seized items were valued at crores, with specific counts revealing 25 lakhs in cash, 2 kilograms and 200 grams of gold jeweler, and several silver articles.
The dramatic raid is a stark reminder of the rampant corruption plaguing specific government sectors. Government officials entrusted with public service are often found exploiting their positions for personal gain, leading luxurious lives at the expense of the common people. The Lokayukta raid exposes corruption and is a significant step towards accountability.
This raid was part of a more extensive operation targeting multiple government officials suspected of corruption. The Lokayukta conducted simultaneous raids at 55 locations linked to 12 different officers. The targeted officials spanned various departments and districts, reflecting widespread corruption within the government.
The other officers who were subjected to Lokayukta raids are – Hanumanthaiaḩ Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (KIADB) Operating Officer Balwant, assistant executive Engineer Yadgiri Zilla Panchayat, R Siddappa Sr. Veterinarian- Doddabailavangala, K Narasimha Murthy Municipal Administration Commissioner Hebbagodi BV Raja FDA, KIADB LAND acquisition Ramesh Kumar Joint Commissioner Tax department, Nagesh B- President Antargange Gram Panchayat in Shimoga district, Prakash Deputy Director Articulture Shimoģa, Chetan Kumar Labor Department officer, Mandya, Anand CL – Commissioner Mangalore Metropolitan Municipality, Manjunath TR- First Division Assistant (FDA) Bangalore North.
Lokayukta officials raided the house and office of KIADB Additional Director CT Muddukumar in Tumkur and seven other places belonging to CT Muddukumar simultaneously. CT Muddukumar resides in the second phase of Nagarabhavi, Bangalore, and his office is located at Khanija Bhawan, Race Course Road, Bangalore.
CT Muddukumar owns a house in Banashankari layout, Chikkanayakanahalli town of Tumkur city, a farmhouse at Shettikere hobli Ranganathapura in Chikkanayakanahalli taluk, and a plastic bottle manufacturing unit in Tumkur’s Antarsanahalli Industrial Area. Lokayukta officials have raided all these places.