The semester for first-year students at Delhi University (DU), originally slated to commence on August 1, faces a potential delay to August 16 due to unresolved issues with the Central University Entrance Test (CUET UG) 2024 results. Vice Chancellor Yogesh Singh recently indicated that the delay in result publication has disrupted the academic schedule significantly. Other semester classes are still set to start on August 1, but the uncertainty about CUET UG results means the first-year students might start later than planned.
Vice Chancellor Singh said they haven’t heard from the NTA about the results yet. The NTA is dealing with accusations of test paper leaks for exams like NEET-UG and UGC-NET, so they haven’t finished finalizing the CUET UG results, which were supposed to be out by June 30.
The CUET UG exam is very important for getting into top universities like Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University. The exam took place both online and in traditional pen-and-paper formats from May 15 to May 31. This year, it affects admissions at 46 Central universities all over India. The delay in announcing results is a big problem for these universities’ admission plans. For example, Delhi University wanted to start the next phase of admissions right after July 2, hoping to fill 71,000 seats based on CUET UG scores.
Students and 261 universities are waiting for the CUET UG 2024 results to begin accepting undergraduate admissions. UGC Chief M. Jagadesh Kumar assured everyone that the NTA is working quickly to finish and announce the results. Kumar mentioned that after handling challenges and reviewing the final answers, it usually takes the NTA about one to two weeks to complete this process. He stressed that the NTA is dedicated to resolving this matter promptly.
The delay in CUET UG 2024 results has worried students and universities, affecting careful planning for the academic year. Delhi University’s Vice Chancellor, Yogesh Singh, emphasized the serious disruption caused by the unresolved results, potentially pushing back first-year classes to August 16. This change differs from the original plan to start classes on August 1, showing how delays in exam results can disrupt schedules for both universities and students.
The delay in CUET UG results is causing major problems for universities’ careful admission plans, including Delhi University’s goal to start the next round of admissions right after July 2. This adjustment depends on getting the results on time, showing how delays can affect how well universities and students can plan.
UGC Chief M. Jagadesh Kumar has promised that the NTA is working hard to announce the results quickly. He understands how important CUET UG results are for shaping the upcoming academic year. Kumar’s reassurance, along with ongoing efforts to solve technical and administrative issues, shows how determined they are to reduce problems and maintain fairness in the admission process at Central universities.
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