Bharat’s renowned K-9 squad from the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) has been enlisted to bolster security for the upcoming Paris Olympics 2024. This marks the first time India’s elite dog squad, known for its exceptional skills in high-profile event security, will be deployed at an international event of this scale.
Indian Ambassador to France, Javed Ashraf, announced this significant development, emphasising the role of the ten-member K-9 team, which consists of 30 highly trained dog squads, including German Shepherds and Labradors. These canines are tasked with explosive detection, narcotics detection, and suspect tracking. The ITBP K-9 unit, known for safeguarding the Republic Day celebrations and protecting the Prime Minister of India, will now bring its expertise to the Paris Olympics, providing a critical layer of security.
Before deployment, the K-9 teams underwent a rigorous 10-week training regimen designed specifically for this assignment. The training included specialised tasks in infantry patrol, anti-sabotage sniffer operations, and counter-terrorism measures. The handlers were also given refresher physical training and basic French language lessons to facilitate smoother operations in Paris.
The ITBP K-9 unit will be stationed in Paris for a month, from July 26 to August 11, coinciding with the Olympics. Their duties will include sniffing and patrolling various Olympic venues to detect bombs, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and other threats. This deployment also extends to securing France’s National Day celebrations on July 14, where the K-9 teams maintained safety during the grand parade.
The K-9 unit comprises breeds like Belgian Malinois, Labradors, and other locally trained dogs. These canines are integral to the Special Protection Group (SPG) and National Security Guards (NSG) in India, playing a crucial role in VVIP security and operations in naxal-affected regions. Trained at the ITBP centre in Bhanu, near Chandigarh, the K-9 unit shares a regimen similar to that of the Indian Army’s sniffer teams.
With the Paris Olympics set to begin on July 26, extensive security measures are being implemented to ensure the safety of the games. Approximately 10,500 athletes will participate, and France is deploying 30,000 police officers each day, with 45,000 officers present at the opening ceremony on the Seine River. Including the ITBP K-9 squad underscores the global recognition of India’s expertise in security management.
This collaboration highlights the deepening security cooperation between India and France. The K-9 team’s involvement in the Paris Olympics is a testament to their proven track record in handling high-stakes security situations and their ability to adapt to international security challenges.
As the world gears up for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, India’s elite K-9 unit in Paris symbolises global recognition of Bharat’s prowess in security management. This partnership not only enhances the safety of the event but also strengthens bilateral relations between India and France, setting a precedent for future international security collaborations.
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